Wednesday, March 08, 2006
What Else Am I Going To Miss?
They say they never really miss you until you dead or you gone, so on that note, I'm leaving after this song.
Except I just realized that the song I listened to just won itself an Oscar. Yes, please cue up the inspirational orchestral movement and maybe the beautiful scenary in the background that accompanies such a majestic song. All I need now is a relaxing afternoon, a nice backyard, a stick to throw at random kids playing in adjacent backyards thus ruining my picture perfect (pun always intended) afternoon, and me and my girlfriend (echo-me and my girlfriend)*.
Right? Left Wrong.
Three 6 Mafia took home the Oscar for their musical masterpiece** "It's Hard Out There For A Pimp". I'm glad somebody finally took the time to write a song about Pimpin'. It's important issues like Pimpin' that need to be addressed in society today.*** You KNOW we have enough music out there about social injustice or overcoming adversity.
I think I'm gonna go call up my buddy Ludacris and ask him to do a song about his Pimpin' exploits all over the world . Maybe Jay will help me out and drop a song about how he's such a Big Pimp. Or maybe I'll get on it, and write a song about pimp...les. Cuz I'm an expert, as my scarred face will attest to.
Thank you very much Three 6 Mafia. You know what this opens up the door for; Kanye West wanting an Oscar for his not-yet-made Mission Impossible Three theme. I kinda wished I watched the performance of the song at the Oscars though, because you know, this wasn't your average hip-hop crowd they were trying to cater to. These were uptight old folks (except for you Jamie Foxx except for you) who probably wouldn't take nicely to about 50% of them lyrics.
On a very far sided note, I'm glad Crash took home that Golden Statue Man. Not because of the horrible "Brokeback Mountain is now king of the Oscar hill" pun I would've quipped here on my blog, but because I was brought up in a household where you say NO to gay cowboys. That's just me.

Three 6 Mafia. Now you know. Mostly.
*How many Jay-Z lyric allusions can I throw into one post? I may explore this someday.
**Sarcasm starting to kick in, tryin real hard to supress it...
***No can-do, sarcasm has taken me over