Friday, March 03, 2006
Sloshed Frosh
Everyweek in Spanish Learning Lab, yes I have a lab section for the bird Spanish course I am taking, the prof requires four students to come up for show and tell.
As if Spanish wasn't gr.2ish enough already with the constant barrage of "now repeat after me class!"...'s, now we're gonna bring in our little items and describe their most basic characteristics. And I'm talkin BASICS here. Like what it is, what color it is and whether it is big or small, whether it makes you cry or smile, things that I could really care less about.
But it's fine by me (please see: easy marks). Last week a bunch of girls presented, and they brought in anything from meaningful pictures to souvenirs from places they visited to things that reminded them about home. You know, things that warm your heart up faster than chicken-soup-for-the-soul.
Today, two guys, whom I will assume to be frosh that just turned 19 and are now legal, brought in alcoholic beverages to present to the class.
First off, who brings alcoholic beverages to school for show-and-tell? That to me is the equivalent of entering a sauna with a bucket of ice hoping to make giant ice castles. Or like, bringing a knife to a gun-fight. It just ain't right.
School and alcohol should remain as separate as Jennifer and Brad. Unless you're using alcohol to make a boring class seem more lively*. Of which I would know nothing about.
And then to top it all off, one of the bottles was EMPTY. So here was this guy, presenting his alcoholic beverage, and by presenting I mean slurring all his words together to form one very long incoherant sentence IN SPANISH (which certainly doesn't help) while he's all red-faced** and giggly***.
It was a good way to end off a long week of classes. For me, not so much for the dude presenting.
*Oh...Maybe that's what he was doing.
**Okay, he wasn't red-faced.
***He definitely was slightly giggly.