Monday, March 27, 2006
A Weekend to Savor
No matter how many times I listen to Abba's Dancing Queen, I still can't dance. About the only thing I can cook is books (hire me now Enron). And the things I decorate manage to come out worse than they were before I laid my hands on them. It's no wonder that I am the most-called-upon decorator come Halloween when everything in sight is supposed to look horrific.
I used all three of my non-talents this weekend and because of that, my team was crowned the "2006 KCCF Cooking Contest Champions of the WORLD", shortened for your convenience to the 2006KCCFCCCOFW. Yup, I danced, decorated and cooked my way to victory. No humble pie for me today.
Can't say the same for the four number one seeds in the NCAA brackets. Now who am I supposed to cheer for? Wait why am I cheering for teams in a sport I don't even follow? Oh who cares, it's march madness. I plead temporary insanity for any random actions I may take over the remaining few days left in March.
Insanity folks. Vinsanity*.
Hehe, George Mason University. Some folks named a university after that tragic character on 24 who heroically sacrificed himself, or should I say, the person FOX no longer wanted on their payroll and thusly had the writers kill his character off:

I'm sorry. I went into this post with the intention of posting the happenings of my weekend, but I ended up so far out there that not even your friendly hubble telescope would make me out.
The end.
*Hey remember Vince? Why did we trade him again? And why did I decide to trade him off my fantasy roster for RON ARTEST and Tim the Toolman Thomas?! Freakin march madness.