Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Why I Enjoyed Winter Retreat
1. The guest speaker, Domenic Ruso, was this amazing Italian dude. On the very first day, someone from our CCF group decided to go ask him if he knew where the water was. I guess it wasn't all bad to assume he worked there because he wasn't asian. Oh wait, is that borderline racist?!*
2. The amazing guest speaker made two specific references to two things I thought nobody amazing in the world, other than me, would have read up on beforehand. Exercise links with caution because these aren't warm and fuzzy Christian references.
- Post Secret, the blog version
- a story on cnn.com (because he also surfs the web for weird news stories**) about a genious parrot
3. The guest speaker, did I mention how amazing he was, is a drummer. So not only did he leave me with a lot of thoughts pertaining to the spiritual side of life, but also what I can do become a better drummer. Now that's application.
4. FREE COFFEE. No further discussion needed.
5. All the rest (deep breath) - JamminUntilFourAM SnowFun WarmFuzzyFun RandomJokeFun WatchinPranksFun NoSleep FunCatchinUpWithPeeps** LaughterAboutAnything Convictions NewLessons OldLessons Last Winter Retreat With The Majority Of The People I Really Know and Love?***
*Yes, yes it is. And snob, very snob. And totally awesome.
**But probably not to loserishly post with annotated observations on his blog.
***I never said peeps before. I will never say it again.
****OOH I said "Love". No. This asterisk was for the tear rolling down my face as I ponder this possibility.