Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I'm Absolutely Serious*  

After viewing a movie that was paid for by the folks that brought you Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, I flipped on my phone and to my surprise and joy, there was a "new message!" notification accompanied by the phone's own version of the Harlem shake. I excitedly fumbled around the keypad to read the message and it read like this (feel free to read aloud as long as you are not around your mother or cops):

05/29/06 7:44 pm
Text: Hey u want the
handgun still

Yes, yes I most definitely do still want the handgun.

I asked for grenades too, but he said those came at $399.97 a piece and I said what a ridiculous thing to do, tacking 97 cents at the end making it such an awkward pricing scheme so I turned him down on the spot. He tried to throw in some sort of rocket launcher but it was USED. Second hand weapons of mass destruction just don't cut it for all the illegal activites I conduct from the comfort of my own cubicle. Seriously now.

*Alright, so everything after the text-message itself was as fabricated as my laundry.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:32 AM .

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Eggs Have Won  

Chicken vs Egg has been settled.

"The debate, which may come as a relief to those with argumentative relatives, was organized by Disney to promote the release of the film "Chicken Little" on DVD."

Seriously, DISNEY!? Kids, cover your ears. DISNEY, I'm bringing the governator of California himself and he will (too many verbs to choose from here...uhm, erase, freeze, totally recall, kindergarten cop, commando, predatate, terminate, no I got it) DRIVE A HUMMER THROUGH YOUR TAX LOOPHOLE.

Doesn't matter, no philosophically and scientifically beating myself into a pulp necessary to fall asleep tonight!

The reconciliation
Egg: I love my baby yup yup I love my chick.
Chicken: I love my baby yup yup I love my boy egg.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:34 AM .

Friday, May 26, 2006

Natural Tendencies  

You are what you eat. If you eat pork, you're a pig. If you eat chicken wings, you're a chicken. If you eat burger, you are a Mcdonalds.

But like India Arie, you are not your hair.*

At the end of the day, it's not that hard to pick out people's characteristics. It just involves sneakily stalking them that entire day.

Take me for example. If you were attempting to hide behind my jacket hanging on my cubicle wall at this moment, you'd not only see me lazily dodging work by posting on this fine Friday morning, I also have TSN streaming on the workstation right now.**

Says a lot about me.

Usually, I'll start go off on a thought here that allows me to tie in a link I have found on my daily perusals of the internet, but please refer to said laziness and I'll just go ahead and throw this link up. Remember, these two may bicker like a parent and child, but push-comes-to-seismic-shove, they are just closer than ever.

*If you don't really know what she's talkin about, just group this song in with all the other "WTFRICK" songs you've ever heard, I really don't want to explain her logic behind the song.
**I love this comapny.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:00 AM .

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ode to the Clippers  

Everyday he's hustlin' makin shots for the boss
Thirteen white on white, that's QUENTIN Ross.
They've got ball distribution, PG looks like an alien
I swear he's mammalian, but it's all for loss
the White guy mixed with the balding guy turned out rather weak-sauce
The Suns had to rise, no longer playing brick toss
Had the Clips all confused when Cap'n Canada pulled a criss-cross
Here's to a fab season Sir Elton, it's time to go home and floss
Brush your teeth, get ready to sleep
Ponder long and hard about this final four
Cuz I don't got a team to cheer for no more.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:34 AM .

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

How Do I React To This?  

My work mentor is a big friendly German dude. Conversation takes place on internal messaging system known as "Same-time". I know, the name is ghetto. Names have been edited out for privacy protection issues.

Mentor (4:11PM) - Please don't ask questions I don't know the answer to.
Me (4:11PM) - But mentor, why is the sky blue?
Mentor (4:11PM) - Because, women have secrets.
Mentor (4:11PM) - !!!
Me (4:12PM) - ...


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:08 PM .

Monday, May 22, 2006

I Call It A "Buttugly"-sized Post  

Just like how a human body cannot possibly function normally with two left hands instead of one left and one right, we all have a role in life. Some people are picked to pick cherries. Others pick berries. Still others pick winners at race-track (see: fools). And on "Deal or No Deal", essentially the contestant is picking suitcases in a more drawn-out suspense-inducing way. We mustn't forget about the random weirdo standing on a street corner picking their nose their entire life. I speak not from experience.

Now I thought I was destined to become a computer programmer, or at least something remotely connected* to technology. I mean cmon, typical nerd here, with the glasses, the dorky laugh, the very corny humor, the fascination with the numbers 0 and 1, the ability to appear like I can do complex calculations in my head when I'm actually stalling for enough time to discreetly type away on my calculator's keypad, and above all else, I'm ASIAN. The vast majority of us are, whether we like it or not, nerds. Two weeks into my job, I'm beginning to have some serious doubts.

No need to run into your bomb shelters just yet, just keep on quietly stocking up on bottled water if you must, because it's not that drastic. In fact, I'm not even sure the actual job has anything to do with anything. You see, I come home each day exhausted, because not only am I working, I'm reading/learning so that I can finish the tasks set before me.

Yeah, sounds like school, except instead of being in my bedroom, I'm in a cubicle; instead of falling asleep in class, I fall asleep in meetings; instead of complaining how Sean Paul's sucktacular music is affecting my schoolwork, I complain about how Sean Paul's sucktastic music is affecting my work-work. And there is no "I'm going to not do this assignment and take the zero because it's 3am and there's no way I can come up with 10 pages of writing on one topic, because that is strictly reserved for my blog".

*Intermission* I'm not really going for 10 pages here. But if it happens, it happens. I must point out that I have aleady used a few pop culture references. Maybe I can go for 15 in one post. We'll see how I've done at the end.

At least one thing has stayed the same. I still don't get what's going on at any given time. Wait, that makes two things, because my aawesomeness has not changed in the least. Actually neither have the truths in the Bible and the fact that Jesus has guaranteed my salvation. Also, the sky is still blue, coffee is still a be-all-end-all cure for everything, Mariah Carey is still old and washed up, I will still be yelled at for writing such long posts, and John Mayer's music is still relevant. Finally, I am still very-liciously gangster.

Permission to digress because I think I may have strayed from the point. So I get home, and am immediately put to work in the yard by my dear mother, bless her good heart. I mean she just wants to protect the house.

From the still frustratingly uncovered weapons of mass destruction supposedly in Iraq you ask? Or is it from LL Cool J's bad acting?

First of all, it's slightly disturbing that they have found no WMDs yet. I thought I sent Batman over there. Bush administration, I'm officially calling you out on this, and would like to start a feud with you, preferably by sniping at each other through diss tracks released on mixtapes. Or petty name calling, I'm fine with whatever.

Secondly, just check out this impressive list: Deep Blue Sea, Rollerball and Charlie's Angels. Yup, all featuring LL. That's some mighty good work there LL. Can I call you LL? Didn't think you'd want me to....LL.

No, my mother wants my house protected from, get this, CATERPILLARS. That's just creepy.** My house has been invaded by caterpillars. And I'm talking like all over the place, it's just gross. They've managed to set up shop on the tree that is 5 feet away from the house. Check this picture out:

Yup, sure does look as gross as how K-Fed's music sounds. And by that I mean on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being "as beautiful as Jennifer Morrison" and 10 being "Nasty", this is a 23 - "Grosser than anything that will ever appear on an episode of Fear Factor".

So I manually pick them up, either one by one, or if they conveniently group together then I can grab a few at a time, and toss them into a plastic bag for future disposal. And guess what? I'm GOOD AT IT. I pick up caterpillars two times faster than the time it takes Jack Bauer to extract info from and kill a roomful of bad guys. I'm the most efficient caterpillar picker-uper this side of the North Pole. Which is basically the entire globe because (*Warning* You're about to learn something) THERE ARE NO SIDES in a sphere.

Welcome to summer school, my name is Buttug, and you've just been smartened.

Folks, I do not know where I'm going in this life anymore. Picking caterpills vs Full-Time-Nerd remains rather unsettled. And no one likes fights, cakes or western frontiers that are unsettled.

Feel free to vote for what you would prefer me to be. It's called audience interaction. It's vital after a post so long-winded and superflous (which means there was so much unnecessary content, this definition itself being unnecessary because Google can tell you just about anything and everything you would ever want to know, like how many plastic surgeries Michael Jackson really has had) post that I give any reader that is still reading a reward. And the freedom/right to vote (along with supposed WMDs) is something many wars have been fought for.

And so voting will commence at the point of post publishing, and polls close when I I'm just not feelin the vote no more. And we the folks from Stupefying Stupidity, in collaboration with Boyz II Men, would like to Thank You In Advance.***

*Haha, remote connections. I guess the pun was intended, seeing as how I circled back and editted that line to include that.
**Pun in-your-face-tended.
***That right there is number 15. Somebody get me a cookie.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:42 PM .

Friday, May 19, 2006

Just Hold Your Horses, Pigs and Chickens  

I just need to upload the pictures. Then I will unleash the beast of a post.

Actually wanted to inform everyone that at 3:39PM of today (look at the date yourself you lazy jerks), I suddenly felt very dirty.

Then I realized that I had my IPod on shuffle and was singing along to Christina Aguilera's "Genie in a Bottle". And that I knew almost all the words.

I just advanced research in the area of "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME" by 10 years.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:43 PM .

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I'm Working On Something Big  

Sit tight, enjoy the previews, the overpriced popcorn, the annoying cell-phone-talker-oners, the crying babies, the sticky floors, and the complimentary Tribute magazine because the feature presentation will be coming up shortly. And I promise you, it won't be short.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:12 PM .

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Keepin it Short And Sweet  

Exactly how I like my Tuesdays. And Kwan.

Wow, who would've thunk. Good thing they didn't give him a key to whatever jail cell they gonna keep him in forever. That's some incredible foresight there America.

I watch entirely too much television. I do this thing where I keep track of actors and actresses with horrible acting skills, mostly demonstrated by their Zoolander-ish "one look". Past examples include Alias' Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan, and OC's Ben McKenzie for having that pained expression plastered over their faces regardless of the mood or scene or story or 6 figure salary.

But I have found the queen bee of them all. The look that never fails. 5 star guarantee in fact. Everybody, meet Paris Hilton. Paris, meet everybody.* Hit the Esc button if the rapidly changing Paris pics are giving you a heart-attack.

It always warms my heart to read a good old fashioned rescue story. Because just like everybody else, I dream everynight of how it would be to be rescued by a knightress in shimmering robes.

"Webb and Russell had been getting oxygen, food, water and items such as magazines and iPods through a plastic pipe..."

I applaud the marketing genious that managed to slip a product placement into that feel-good story. Moral of the story, get yourself trapped under some rocks, and come out with a few scratches/bruises and a couple iPods.

Back to unnecessarily long-winded on Wednesday.

*I hear Paris Hilton is probably one of the most searched for phrases on the internet. For reasons I will not discuss. If I see a two-fold increase in blog hits by next week because of search phrases involving "Paris Hilton", then not only will I link back to this post, I will probably mention her name two hundred more billion times, as if I were DJ Clue hollering over a mixtape track.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:50 PM .

Monday, May 15, 2006

Good Grieffy Hyphy  

I know I promise a lot of things. I promise to post more jokes. I promise to post more pictures. I promise to cut the crap and post serious stuff. Nope that doesn't sound right. I promise NOT to cut the crap and continue posting however I feel. I promise to tell you how to get that second, yet so unattainable, 'a' to describe yourself as aawesome instead of just being plain old boring awesome. I promise to tell you why I'm so gangster, but I never get around to it, because that's how gangster I really am.

But today, I deliver not only these fine business solutions from International Business Machines to your personal computer (they pay me to say that), I deliver you the low-down on the people going dumb phenomena.

And don't take that derogatorily. Because in fact, to "go dumb" is now a definition of a dance style. No, I'm being serious. That's just what they call "losing all inhibitions, not giving a care, and going crazy, 2006 styles". Pretty stupid huh!? And it's almost always done to a certain type of music, hyphy. Pronounced HY-PHEE. Described as minimalistic in a sense, with the main focus it's rather simplistic rhythym involving many synthesized sounds. Some say it's the new wave of Crunk music. You know, all that duurty-south business brought to you by Lil Jon and company. This new movement originated and is being popularized by the Bay Area. That's San Fran for all us unedumacated Canadians.

With decreased production values, you know due to the whole minimalism of everything, you would think that rappers would step up their lyrical game. Cuz if you ain't gonna captivate me with the beat, you better be spitting hot fire 150% of the time.

Ooh. Jesus Christ had dreads, so shake em
I aint got none, but I'm planning on growing some
E-40: Tell me when to Go

That's it. You've gotta be kidding me. Please someone tell me what's going on.

Doin hella s*** at one time
My definition of hyphie man is thizzin, sniffin lines
Keak Da Sneak: Super Hyphie

Them lyrics suck more than Jennifer Lopez in Gigli. Mind you, I still need to watch that movie to be able to make that statement with confidence.

But hold up, here's the secret behind hyphy, and the one major problem I have with it, other than the bad lyrics. Now, don't go telling all your friends, because you know this stuff is highly sensitive. Level 3 sensitive. That's right, I did say level 3, somebody call Jack Bauer. Ready?

There's no distinctive feel/sound to it.

And you know why there ain't no distinctive feel or sound to it? Hold your breath, lean a little closer at the screen and prepare for some mighty loud typing.


G'ahead Jon, take a bow, or whatever it is you're doing in this picture:

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the person behind your kids, and me, inexplicably saying a couple "WHAAAT"'s followed by a "YEEEAAHH" and "OKKKKAAAY" to your every question. The guy with so much metal in his dentals that if he ever needed an MRI scan to save his life, basically speaking, his teeth would be ripped out one by one, causing his speech to be even HARDER to understand than it is now. And most importantly, the SAME GUY that brought you Crunk music.

The best part folks, is that they sealed their fate by trying too hard to push hyphy. You see, in pretty much all them hyphy music videos, they have to flash the word "hyphy" just to make sure you know you're watching hyphy. At least with crunk music, I knew it was crunk, without anyone having to tell me it was crunk. It was simply understood, not discussed.

If you really want to know what I'm talkin about, go check out any joint by E-40 or Keak Da Sneak.

And while you're at it, raise your right hand high above your head, and give a little goodbye wave to this "movement" that is hyphy. Because, as N'Sync would tell you, they gone, baby they gone, but the truth remains, and this I promise you.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:21 AM .

Friday, May 12, 2006

Welcome to My Cubicle  

My name is Buttug, I am aawesome, and I will be your tour guide Barbie today.

Before we embark on this tour, I ask that if you must take pictures that you please refrain from flash photography. Simply put, these nerds are only used to the light emitted by their desktop monitors/cell phones. Setting of bright lights trigger something in their bodies that will enrage them or send them scurrying to the closest dark corner.

One more thing, thank you for choosing Stupefying tours, proudly sponsered by nobody. Because here at nobody, nobody cares, enough.

If you direct your attention to the light located on the far wall of the cubicle, you will notice the many dents at the base of that lamp. Mind you, this was no artistic design, this was done through the constant pounding of metal onto the occupant of the cubicle's head everytime he stands up. It's a rather unfortunate choice of placement for the cubicle light, but one person's misfortunate also lead's to that person's hilarious* rant of a blog post.

It's one of those cowbell type dealios, that loud smashing sound followed by another minute of very subtle under the breath cursing is in fact notice that the one, the only, the aawesome, ME is coming out of his cubicle. Or is standing up to stretch his legs. Either way, its courteous to give advanced notice, and if there's one thing my momma** has taught me over the years is to be as polite as can be.

Now, looking back to the way you entered the cubicle, you will see what I like to call the spiffy "I don't want to talk to you so please go away" sliding door. Fully equiped with a white board with that exact phrase scribbled on it in my glorious handwritting.

The purpose behind this sliding door is because in a company this big with this many products, there are bound to be endless problems. And because I am considered the "young" and "full of vigor" and "eager to help anywhere" guy, I will be one of the first people asked about anything. First off, I usually wouldn't understand the question because I'm incompetent when it comes to technology talk. Secondly, the question is probably dumb, and I don't have to know what's going on to tell them that. The sliding door with a very terse message circumvents this process.

And then we have these noise generators overhead that sound like air conditioners, but are actually there to serve you the employee by muffling other bumbling employees mutterings (such as curses from hitting head on a cubicle light, or nerd giggles when work is being done (nope, no demonstratinos here, that's the 10 o clock tour special only)).

Although I certainly could've used some air conditioning action yesterday as everything felt so sticky. Seriously, my leg hairs were stuck to my pants, which were stuck to my shoes, which were stuck to the floor. Also stuck to my pants were some plastic forks that just clung on after I walked by them in the cafeteria. Pieces of food were stuck on the forks, which then in turn attracted bees, which stuck on because of their honey glazed bodies. It was as sticky as glue on paper. Or sticky rice on my fingers. Or Kan on Kwan.***

*Is it too presumptuous to say this without first consulting anyone?
**Shoutouts to my mom. Is this enough for mother's day? A shoutout to my mom on my blog she doesn't read? I may need to look into prices for a dozen roses or something similar.
***Hey Derek, that's 10 out of 10 right there.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:13 AM .

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It's Been A Long Time In The Making  

One journeys through life's ups and downs because at the end of the day, you can go home and look forward to the end-goal and take solace in the fact that you have endured hardships/experienced joy rather than living a mundane life wehre you feel nothing. Furthermore, knowing that ultimately your fate is in the hand of a righteous, just and faithful God can have this calming effect on you no matter what you've encountered over the course of a particular day.*

I have journeyed hard in this life. Inevitably life has led me to the events that occured yesterday. The works were set in motion with a simple question, one that has been numerous times by many different people in their own walks in life, and it goes a lil something like this:

"Excuse me, but could I please borrow your cellular phone?"

And you thought I was getting all introspective on you. What do you think I'm tryin to do? Kick knowledge on you suckers? If knowledge is power, and Monday's is Jack Bauer, we're gonna need some May showers to wash away the bad taste in my mouth from this coffee that seems to have gone sour.

the crickets chirping in the background shake their head, get up and file out

Readers of the SS-Buttug**, yours truly, in all my aawesomeness, finally decided to take the plunge into the wireless phone world. As of yesterday, I have officially been collared. Or should I say caller'd. Yes, I finally hooked myself up with a cell phone.

No longer will I pester you, my friend, to lend me their cell phones for another brother's, or sister's, number. No longer will I need to ask if you have the time. No longer will I need to use your phone to squeeze in a quick call to my mother to let her know that I'm still alive and kickin', and just because it's midnight and I ain't home yet, it doesn't mean something horrible has happened to me because I'm simply sittin at a quaint bubble-tea shop sippin on some flavorful tea, with my mind on mah money and mah money on my mind.

West coast, Holler back!***

No longer will I be able to skip out from social gatherings because people couldn't reach me. Because in that sense, I now possess this microchip that tracks where I am, and anyone has the ability to reach me by simply dialing 647-40... and that's all you get for free folks.

No longer will I be able to use the excuse that my Ipod was turned up too loudly and I was too into the music to notice you passing me on the sidewalk, when I really did notice you but wanted to avoid awkward and unnecessary conversation. Now, I can simply fake a call, point to the phone, wave my hand, and be off, and that somehow is socially acceptable.

I'd like to be the first to welcome myself to the bigleagues, and congratulate myself on getting there. Thank you, you've all been great. I look forward to the first time I get that special call from you friends.

*Like a smoothie.
**As in, Stupefying Stupidity - Buttug
***I have only one homie out in the west coast. I doubt he'll holler back at me.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:19 AM .

Monday, May 08, 2006

For The Record  

House is the best doctor not named God.

You would think that a show so focused on a different medical mystery every episode would run dry after a season and a half.

Not so.

There was only one problem with the last episode I watched. And for that matter, I have this problem with a few other shows as well. It's when they start name dropping characters from other shows, or just blatantly stating the name of the other show. Not that it wasn't done very intelligently. But hear me out.

House talks about Jack Bauer. So obviously, Jack Bauer is involved in House's life and will show up on that show (I love crossovers), or House has seen Jack Bauer on television. Okay, both scenarios seem equally plausible right now. Except Jack Bauer does this thing where he's superhuman for one day of the year, then disappears for the next however-long it takes for writters to write up another impossible day. So he cannot be an everyday person in House's life. Moreover*, Jack Bauer has never visited a hospital before because he doesn't get hurt. And if he does, he patches up himself with whatever resources available to him.

Let's say House has seen Jack Bauer on television. The question now becomes whether or not House has seen himself on television. And if he has, is there the possibility that he'd be watching himself in real-time? Because then it really gets confusing. He'd be watching himself on television, and in that picture, the television House would be watching, yup you guessed it, television where another television House would be watching television etc.

Or is there some sort of gap in the space-time continuum? I think somebody should start digging up Hermann Minkowski's grave just to check that he's not rolling over right now.

Because nobody likes Richard Simmons, or a dead guy that's lying on their face. On the other hand, it makes television geeks like me giggle with glee when shows that I watch reference other shows that I watch. It's the equivalent of discovering all the personal connections you have in common with the new faces around you, or the degree of separation between you and celebrity. So from this point on, I will ignore this slight logical flaw and get back to turning my brain to a vegetable in front of the tv.

Oh, normally I wouldn't do this, but maybe times are achangin, or I'm turning into a softie. But I'm gonna go ahead and wish two people a happy birthday whether you the reader likes it or not.

To you, my favorite Chinese Christian Celebrity, may you stay trendy and young forever. Happy birthday.
To you, my hero because your only goal in life is to make me spell out words in full. And frankly, anyone willing to take on my laziness in a battle to the death can submit an application to be considered one of my heroes. Happy birthday.

*What a great word.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:46 AM .

Thursday, May 04, 2006


The telephone every employee has at their workstation at my new workplace, which shall remain nameless for now for my protection's sake*, is more technologically advanced than anything I have in my house, including my non-existant time machine. Apparantly, I never even have to lay my eyes/hands ONCE on that phone for me to be able to forward any call to anywhere in the world. Oh, also I can take that phone home, plug it in, and still receive calls. And plus, I can check all my messages over email.

I plan to use the "hold" button a lot. Not because I plan on getting a lot of calls, because well lets be honest, I'm not that popular. But I will use the hold button because as someone today said, it is fun to test people's patience from time to time.

Maybe that's why no one will call.

Actual Post
Today during full-day orientation, which entailed me sitting in a uncomfortably chilled room and being talked to for 8 hours, I was so bored that I rolled up the rim to win on my Tim Horton's coffee cup. This cup:

Yeah, I know. Not a contest cup. But you know what? It STILL told me to "Please Play Again, Loser."**

I could swear that one of the dudes talking in the afternoon fell asleep to the sound of his own voice. Then he was awakened by the po po that came to arrest him for murder-one-and-a-half.

Define: Murder-one-and-a-half - Boring someone to DEATH.

The only thing I remember from orientation was that this company I now work for is very careful with their logo. They don't want this just plastered anywhere without their permission.

I don't have permission. I hope I don't get fired. Really sir, it's my first day. I'm not even lying.

Post Post
I don't understand "Interest Interviews". The interview you have with the person whose position you're interested in holding in the future. Why would the person whose job you want to steal give you any straight answers?

If they hated the job they'd hype*** it up just for you, so that you'd be more than eager to take it over and they could be free of it forever. Or, if they loved the job, they'd lie to you and tell you how bad it is. And then stab you in the back after the polite handshake that ends the interview. You know, because being the ambitious go-getter you are, you'd probably still go after the job and they just can't let that happen.

The Trailing Off
*You'll see why later on in the post. Wait, most people don't read these things till after the post, by which point you would have already seen why. Ah bother.
**The cup didn't actually have anything written on it.
***The new music movement, hyphy (well it SORTA sounds like hype so the asterisk stands), I don't like it. I'll probably post about this sometime as it continues to get bigger. Right now all I can do is Laffy Taffy at it.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:15 PM .

Monday, May 01, 2006

Motivation, Where Have You Gone  

As I sit here looking out the window, I realize that motivation has gone with my view, right out the window. Yes, I do realize that the 16 month internship is almost upon me and I need to step this posting game up, or else it'll be a long 16, or however many months you the reader decide to stick around.

Speaking of audiences, I was forced to be a part of one last night. You see, the friendly asian neighbors across the street invited our family over for dinner. Nothing wrong with the picture yet.

We had some salad, some smoked salmon, some pasta, and some curry. On top of that, I was treated to a glass of white wine and some non-alcoholic peach snaps. The picture, has gotten better.

After dinner, we were escorted to the living room, where the kids, me not being a kid, were "politely" asked to put on piano performances.

And this is the point where the picture has been dunked in a bucket of soap duds and comes out all peely and nasty and no matter how good the picture was before, it looks like a soggy piece of toilet paper.

I absolutely hated it when the parents more or less forced me to play piano in front of their dinner guests. I hated it even more when I had to play piano AS a dinner guest. As a kid, I was treated like some sort of freak-show. "Oh YES let's line up the kids and show them all off. And by the way, my kid sounds better than yours."

Yup, sounds like we're one step away from being sold into slavery. Piano slavery. Arguably the worst kind of slavery out there for a kid. Cuz as bad as physical labor could be, I would like to think that I would be able to put on some muscle. And I would love to have some of that action.

What does piano slavery offer? Strong FINGERS?! A good sense of rhythm and pitch? All so that you can wince at every slight (or great) off-tuned...ness? No, piano slavery leaves you with the bitterness and the resentfulness of a childhood (and my teenage years for that matter) being STOLEN AWAY AND NEVER RETURNED like Simba.

I know, its a touchy subject for me. And again, motivation, which I once thought was out the window, has in fact hit that pane of glass separating the inside from the outside. Because the window wasn't open. And now motivation is slumped over on my carpet, wondering what the heck just hit it. Or should I say, what the heck it just hit.

I just realized, that I went through one whole post with actual content in it without any asterisks. I should take a picture of this.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 6:21 PM .