Friday, May 26, 2006
Natural Tendencies
You are what you eat. If you eat pork, you're a pig. If you eat chicken wings, you're a chicken. If you eat burger, you are a Mcdonalds.
But like India Arie, you are not your hair.*
At the end of the day, it's not that hard to pick out people's characteristics. It just involves sneakily stalking them that entire day.
Take me for example. If you were attempting to hide behind my jacket hanging on my cubicle wall at this moment, you'd not only see me lazily dodging work by posting on this fine Friday morning, I also have TSN streaming on the workstation right now.**
Says a lot about me.
Usually, I'll start go off on a thought here that allows me to tie in a link I have found on my daily perusals of the internet, but please refer to said laziness and I'll just go ahead and throw this link up. Remember, these two may bicker like a parent and child, but push-comes-to-seismic-shove, they are just closer than ever.
*If you don't really know what she's talkin about, just group this song in with all the other "WTFRICK" songs you've ever heard, I really don't want to explain her logic behind the song.
**I love this comapny.