Thursday, June 08, 2006

Just Wait For It  

I haven't done one of these in a while. Just bear with me please, there is a point.

Expert: Meteor May Have Caused Extinction. No. Way. What's next? That cloud carrying raindrops heading this way may have something to do with the impending water that will pour down over this city?

Rare Millipede Species Found. Still unaccounted for, a LIFE for the person who was hunting for and found it.

Shark Attack Near Hilton Head. What a misleading title, that's bait (fishing pun intended) and switch. So disappointing.

He was drying his car. If I ever get caught and the cop asks me why I was doing 101.2856 (stupid accurate radar guns) on a 60, I'm gonna say "I was TRYING to get away from you...duh."

Australians try to find ugliest sheep. I found it. It's this guy right here.

And that's how its done friends. That's how it's done.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:51 PM .