Monday, April 24, 2006

Another Picture For Your Amusement  

A couple posts back, I put up a picture of myself taken 19 years ago. It generated an extraordinary increase in comments. I have come to the conclusion that the sky is blue. And that I like blog hits/comments.

Let me just take the time here to say hi to all my friends that have found this page through a google search of "did bow wow and ciara break up".* Yes. Yes they did. I know, it's sad, but I knew all hope was lost when Brad and Jen couldn't make it happen.

In a sense, that picture I posted a while back is how I came into Queens University. A baby. A big fly lookin baby. Let's see how I'm leaving it:

They say your attitude determines your latitude, well look at that, I'm FREAKIN KANYE WEST:

Yeah, that's the best I could find. Not even close huh?

There's so much that could be said. So many memories to recall, people to thank, foods that I left in the freezer, messes that I may have left on roommate's beds**. But yeah, Cryfest-2006 will have to be postponed until I recover from moving so many boxes***.

*That right there should generate A TEN FOLD INCREASE in blog hits from random searches.
**I've said too much.
***Even managed to move boxes out of the U-haul, into a garage, and then BACK INTO THE U-HAUL in a span of half an hour. My bones feel like cracking.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:44 PM .