Monday, April 03, 2006

Monday's* Like You Never Knew  

Welcome to Gangst'romics Mondays, where I, the most aawesomerific Buttug, takes you pupils back to school. What is behind this madness you ask?

Thanks for asking. Rewind with me to last night, a random outburst occuring in the residence of yours truly.

The Pamphlet: Why are we so gangster?

Buttug: Look at me. I'm eating a pepper WHOLE**.


*Actually I had to turn back blogger time to make it seem like I posted this on Monday because well you don't really care. Making it 11:58PM was just a nice little touch in my opinion.
**As if I were biting into an apple. Seriously. No dicing peppers into tiny little finger foods here. I only use knives to make myself appear more threatening than I actually am.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:58 PM .