Wednesday, April 05, 2006
You're in for a Treat, and there is no Trick
I don't like posting up pictures of myself. Afterall, there is a reason I refer to myself as Buttug (Buttugly for those that are horrible at the game of follow-the-leader*)
But how often does it snow in April?** So without further ado, this is me, a long time ago. In a galaxy not so far away from the Sagittarius Dwarf, ie. the earth. NO, I AM NOT THE CHAIR. CMON. Right there, the little kid on the left. Or is it my right?! Oh, it's YOUR left. So confusing sometimes when I have to talk from a person-from-the-past-in-the-computer-screen perspective.
So thank you Bev for bringing me back to a time when my face wasn't pimple'd/glasses'd. And a time when you were equally as stunningly-captivating-awesomely-hawt as ever. Oh hey, next time we decide to take a picture, smile for the camera k thx? Honestly. Was the time it took to take that picture (what, two seconds?) too much to pretend you weren't repulsed by 1. having to be around me and 2. having proof of you ever being around me cemented into picture format?
*As is really, REALLY ugly for those that just really dropped the ball a long long time ago, so long ago that you're probably sitting at home cuz you gave up looking for that elusive ball.
**Really has nothing to do with anything. Just thought I'd play the part of the weatherman for a bit. Cuz I know a couple y'all studious people already holing up in preparation for final exams, and are nowhere near a window and would like to know what's happenin in the world today. You're welcome.
posted by Buttug McOysty
. 12:39 AM .