Thursday, March 01, 2007

I Get You Ready For Interviews  

*Preface - I haven't really really posted since last week, and I don't foresee myself posting again anytime this week, at least nothing substantial, so you may want to read half of it and come back tomorrow to read the rest. Beggars can't be choosers. So think of this post as two/three in one*****. At least in terms of length. Each post I write up is already assigned a quality rating of infinity. And you can't add infinity to anything. Unless you're Jack Bauer, then you can add infinity to anything. Twice.

I started this post in February, but I only got around to finishing it in March. It's really that long.

I originally planned to preface this post by explaining the gist of the following hypothetical interview, but I figured if you didn't get it, you'd just leave an angry comment and we'd all be happier that way, or at least I'd be. And, I'm not one to delete content from my posts, even if it is a measly preface.

*preface sulks away*

I'm sorry preface, I didn't truly mean you were measly. Honestly! When I tell a joke, only 50% of it is actually true! I only half meant it! Please, come back! I miss you!?

*sad quivering violin background music*

School's almost out and you still haven't found a job. Don't panic just yet, a super-hero that hasn't discovered his power yet (that's the only reason I have yet to be cast on the television show Heroes) is here to help. Here's how a job interview with yours aawesomely, ButtugMcOysty, would hypothetically go. Feel free to model yourself after me, as I totally jacked this off a site that was Digg'd all the way to the top. I'm paying it forward. A lot of Internet Intellectual Property of mine has been jacked recently. Another post, another day, perhaps tomorrow. On an unrelated note, I tend to get marks deducted for not citing properly on scholarly essays. Who'da thunk'd it!

Interviewer: So, McOysty, tell me a little about yourself.

Interviewee: Because they'll roll and they can't fall down the hole. And because manholes are round.

Interviewer: Um, okay, how about your most recent project?

Interviewee: Turn on two switches, wait a while and turn one off. If the bulb is on, it's the one left on. If the bulb is off and warm, it was the one you switched off. Otherwise it's the one you didn't touch.

Interviewer: How big was the team you were on?

Interviewee: You don't bury survivors.

Interviewer: Uh, what was your contribution to the team?

Interviewee: Light both ends of fuse one and one end of fuse two. When fuse one burns out, light the other end of fuse two.

Interviewer: How would you deal with adding a feature to a late project?

Interviewee: A and B cross, A comes back, C and D cross, B comes back, A and B cross.

Interviewer: How would you handle a conflict between coworkers?

Interviewee: They're seven and a half degrees apart.

Interviewer: What programming languages are you most comfortable with?

Interviewee: Sometimes I'm too much of a perfectionist and I expect too much from my teammates.

Interviewer: You're hired.

Since the title of the post does not necessarily constrain this post to be about high-tech brain-teaser interviews, I will now cleverly transition into helping people get ready for med-school interviews. They get asked about current events and opinions on them (from what I hear, I've never actually been interviewed by a medical school, I was too busy saving multiple lives in the OR*).


Does anybody else enjoy the deployment of color on this site or is it just you?

*awkward...this is the actual transition*

Thank the heavens for wonderful websites like, informing me with important news. There are fluff pieces, and then there are fluffy pieces of uselessness.

A questionable parent, or should I say, a questionable human being, bet and lost his daughter in a game of poker. The BIG question is, if that girl was sold for the equivalent of 151 US dollars, and allow me to use the bold font here because this needs to be asked, how much can I get for a healthy, slightly more muscular but not as blessed in the IQ or looks department (I kid because I'm mean) relative to me brother of mine?

If I can't trade him for monetary compensation, can I perhaps use him as a down payment for a car? Frick, if you're going to trade a baby for a car, then at least go for something that's NOT a Dodge Intrepid.

Sidebar here, but this is one of the tenets to McOysty Negotiation 101. When negotiating, always set the standard ridiculous high (or low, depending on which side of the coin you're on). In more common speak, DON'T EVER START OFF WHERE YOU WANT TO END OFF. Simple enough? Or simply delicious enough? So, when it comes to cars, you ALWAYS ask for the Batmobile first. Always.

I have no comment about this story. The kid in the story, also cannot make a verbal comment. That's, just horrible. I'm sorry.

Scientists, my favorite group of useless people in the world, have succeeded in controlling the flight of pigeons through implanted brain electrodes. Don't get me wrong, I understand the implications, but my guess is, these guys just sat around thinking, "Justin brought back sexy, even though McOysty never let it go in the first place, so next on our list of things to bring back**, edging out dinosaurs by two votes, are CARRIER PIGEONS!"

Jupiter's gravity field is powerful. The probe that was on its way to Pluto had an ETA of 12 years, but because of the gravity field, it saves 3 years? I'd sure like to save 3 years every morning off my 20 minute commute. If only Jupiter were a Pokemon*** that I could choose to use. Sigh.

Hold on a second. Why are we sending things to Pluto? I blame this on the scientists. It's not even a PLANET! That's right, I'm a planetist. If you ain't a planet, you get treated like a lesser individual by me. That's right. It don't even need to make no sense.

One more parting shot at scientists everywhere, and if you're one, or even want to be one someday, then I'm looking at you. Some Danish**** scientists have successfully proved that wine drinkers TEND TO buy healthier food than beer drinkers. This is absurd, how can they correlate these two things? If I told you that coffee drinkers tend to watch more television, firstly, wouldn't you instantly blow me off and tell me I was an idiot and nobody cares about useless studies, and secondly are scientists still the most useless people in the WORLD?

How's that cure for cancer coming by the way? No? What about AIDS, anything on that front?

* With OR stands for "my imagination".
** This could be a future post.
*** Pokemon is an acceptable word in the English language?! There's no red squiggly underneath indicating otherwise! Amazing. And yes, the third asterisk totally came before the second one, but it happens when one post-processes but is too lazy to do a good job of it.
**** Mmmmmmmmmm Danish.
***** I totally placed the asterisks out of order. Is it blatant that I write my posts (and essay for that matter) in a whack order? Anyways, three in one is reminded me of the Holy Trinity. Cool. Please don't mistake this for blasphemy.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:10 PM .