Thursday, March 29, 2007
A Slice of Geek Humor For You
Actually, before we get to that, I need you, the delightfully wonderful readership of Stupefying Stupidity to rally together and spam somebody for me. Long story short, this will not only be a demonstration of the tremendous power I wield, but this act will hopefully sway the recipient to forever use Gmail, of which I am a paid (not really) advocate for.
So in your spare time, either sign this email up for spam, or shoot over a couple emails just for kicks. Even if the email consists of one cryptic letter. Or ASCII art. Everybody can appreciate ASCII art. Click Read More for the email address, or to skip to the geek humor.
chung_sa...Changed my mind! Leave a comment if you were actually interested in this endeavor, I'll be sure to contact you directly with further instructions. But for now, I won't stir up the masses (all 6 of you). Now, enjoy the video.
This is for all the young-ins that are mere months away from scampering off to their respective university/colleges. This ninja imparts some advice, because I decided to take a break from dropping knowledge on y'all.
"Never take a class from a person with a ponytail. They are tools. The tool to ponytail ratio is astounding."