Thursday, March 08, 2007

Stop Reading My Mail, Google  

Google does this thing where it scans emails (and search requests) and tailors the advertisement section over on the right hand side based on keywords entered. Targeted ads, instead of the shotgun approach often found in spam emails.

During the course of my daily emailing, I was discussing the possibility of presenting someone with a pink polo shirt.

After finishing up the email, I allowed my eyes to wander a tad to the right, and sandwiched between "Promotional Clothing" and "Wholesale Merchandise", was this thoughtful little ad:

My Bra Info
Get Info on My Bra
from 14 Search Engines in 1

Superb work by the programmers over at Google!

Speaking of inapprorpriate...

JoJo has a song titled "How to Touch a Girl". Which person in charge of her career approved this project? And how did the record label people not put an end to this nonsense before it got out?

Granted, I'm a little behind on this, as the song was released in 2006, but even if it was released in 2007, she'd still only be SEVENTEEN years old. Why isn't she singing about going to Disney Land or about how homework sucks?

Not that it's not ludicrous for a woman of any age to be singing this...

Upon further inspection, at least the lyrics aren't blatantly explicit:

Do you know how to touch a girl?
If you want me so much
First I have to know
Are you thoughtful and kind?
Do you care what's on my mind?
Or am I just for show?
You'll go far in this world
If you know how to touch a girl

That's what they're teaching kids these days? You'll go far if you are motivated, believe in the cause, work hard, practice until perfect, give it all you've got, stay in school, don't do drugs, are tremendously talented know how to touch a girl?


posted by Buttug McOysty . 6:46 PM .