Monday, March 26, 2007
There's a Poll at the End of This Post
*Preface* - One of the young-ins that frequents this blog AND commenting section (bless her soul) has taken it upon herself to link to herself in her own blog. This is one of the most powerful writing techniques that has yet to be given a name (at least to my supremely limited knowledge). Self-referencing with the extra benefit of an annoying page refresh would be my description. I don't even know how to write that up in my works cited section. Speaking of which, this is yet another installment of McOysty's essay-lengthed posts. With a poll at the end. And a soda on the side.
I stumbled across this list of attractive geek qualities during the daily once-over of the Internets. I'm going to ignore the fact that it states "I'm not implying that every perl programmer or 15 year kid who plays WoW all day possesses all these qualities.". I'm going to go ahead and see which of these qualities I have or do not have. Then at the end, you, the readership, get to determine my fate.
Because if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that chicken wings are delicious. If there was a second thing to be sure of, it would be that readership interactivity is important to any successful blog. And I'm not talking about the fake generated audience interaction that I generally denote by skipping to a new paragraph and switching to italics. I'm talking about the deal where you get to speak your mind without actually having to comment for fear of exposing you read my blog every day. Thrice. Am I right or am I right!?
You're always right McOysty
Thank you. And as further redundant encouragement to click the Read More link, remember, you get to vote for something at the end! Come take a dive with me.
1. You're probably very smart.
"Diabolically genius" is a subsection of smart in my books.
2. It's hip to be geek.
I have thick glasses, no pocket protector, no obsession with star trek, and social skills worse than a sack of potatoes. 2 and 2. We're going to need a tie break. I do not play any computer games.
No check-mark.
3. You geek out on more than just your computer.
I don't know the first thing about anything technological/sci-fi outside of my computer. But watching my fingers fly as I hammer out alphabet after alphabet is quite mesmerizing.
Still, no check-mark.
4. Geek humor is the best humor.
Excuse me while I press the caps lock button.
5. You listen to good music.
For the most part, sure. I also have a curious fascination with the horrible MIMS song, the one where he raps "This is why I'm hot" but never actually tells you why except that "he's fly" which explains next to nothing. Well I'll tell y'all why I'm hot. It's because I...wear a big parka in the middle of summer (get it?! GEEK HUMOR REIGNS SUPREME)
Check mark.
6. You make good money.
BALLINNNNNNNNN' I fly high, no lie, you know that.
7. You fix stuff.
The only things I fix are sporting events that I have a vested interest in. And by vested, I mean money riding on. Jokes! Remember, not only is gambling slightly stupid, fixing stuff takes so much longer than replacing stuff!
No check mark.
8. You've got your own stuff going on.
I have no life.
I get no check mark.
9. You're very articulate.
Uhhhh awkward is the antithesis prevents me from being articulate in person.
No check mark for you.
10. You're passionate.
With a passion that rivals Mel Gibson's. Actually, not really. I just like saying that.
Nada checka marka.
So my final tally shows that I possess only 4 of the 10 qualities on that list. The big question is as follows. The aforewritten post notwithstanding, am I, the aawesome Buttug McOysty, still a geek?
Vote early. Vote often. Vote to win. Vote or Die. Then vote again the next day. Sorry, new poll host, new rules. But, you get to select more than one option!