Wednesday, October 12, 2005
In Other News, The Pope is Catholic
You can file this one under: DUH
"New research shows that adolescents who eat large amounts of fried food away from home are heavier and more likely to have a poor-quality diet."
It's always good to know that if I ever don't cut it as a computer scientist, I can always just cut my losses, and start up a brilliant research project a la said article. The guise I'd work under? 'Out to save the world, one fat kid at a time.'
Yeah, it'd hafta to be that, cuz my other brilliant idea was already carried through by some German dudes.
I demand to be put in contact with the person who funded either one of these projects. Seriously, I'm lookin for a 16 month internship and I'd love to look into stuff people think about, then go "nah...what was I smokin?".
Now, about the so-deep-that-you-thought-you-were-walking-through-the-abyss type post yesterday. I am definitely still the same girlish weakling with a fine-tuned sense of humor, and I am still gonna give everyone their daily dose of useless (but not so useless because I like reading about things...and so should you) information and/or pictures.
And I know you don't have it in you to resist :) So keep reading, my minions.