Saturday, October 01, 2005

Thursday Night Tutorials  

So as if Thursday nights werent' crowded enough, what with super-man Clark Kent competing with super-spy Sydney Bristow for my time, I get the choice to attend Thursday Night Tutorials!

Now the old me would probably have laughed at the thought of having anything to do on Thursday night besides re-acquainting myself with the TV. But the new and improved me has so far made it to 2 out of the 2 tutorials. I've overcome adversity, I've overcome harsh weather, I've overcome friends telling me to "go home and watch tv". So go on, be proud of me. Go on now.

Once you get to one of these night time tutorials, you just know that the poor TA doesn't really want to be there. In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that they want to be there LESS than the students. Because keener students like me go to these tutorials in hopes of gaining valuable insight/hints on how to do assignments. Only to be sorely disappointed.

Except last Thursday night I was not disappointed. I finally have proof that the TA's hate tutorials just as much as students. Look no further, here it is...the proof:

Now, you may be thinking, dude, it's 1:50AM, SATURDAY...aren't we a little behind on this post? And to you I say, good observation. I'm glad you can tell time. Proof 2 that TA's hate tutorials, they don't necessarily go home and post the slides right away...they may sometimes take until Friday night/Saturday morning to post the slides so that avid bloggers like me look like idiots posting about events two days ago, with a couple posts in between.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:50 AM .