Monday, October 17, 2005
Journal Log Rolling Down The River
6:15 - Fast asleep. Faster than the speed of sound, much faster than birds from the underground.
6:40 - Beat the rooster to the punch. He didn't want it with me, ask Nas, he don't want it with me...Noooo.
6:41 - Dreaming up the perfect storm
7:02 - Housemate comes crashing into my room, informing me that it is 7:00. He's getting a clock set two minutes faster for Christmas. Coincidence that the difference in time was "two"? You think about that for a second, base girl.
7:15 - Setting off into the deceiving morning. 7:15am = (7:15pm - noise)
8:20 - Breakfast one. Featuring....Eggs.
8:45 - Breakfast two. Taters + Syrup = Heavenly Hash?
10:30 - Lost an arm in combat during the "scribble-everything-down" maneuver that runs concurrently with the "awake-but-not-paying-attention" tactic.
11:30 - Rope is class. Skipping rope. With one arm.
1:00 - All hope is lost. Sat around discussing the possible sexual conotations of orange juice.
2:30 - Keepin inStyle. Critiquing celebrities. Rachel Bilson gets thumbs up.
3:30 - Walked around discussing stuff much more relevant, musical and nerdy.
4:30 - Wondering why 1. I'm blogging about my day, I never blog about my day, 2. I'm blogging at all, and 3. Birds suddenly appear.