Tuesday, November 08, 2005
A post about pirates without using any pirate jokes? Is it even possible? Let's attempt.
Modernized Pirates
Who knew that pirates were still around? I mean besides us pirateers of "free" music and movies? Oh wait, another post, another day.
Does this mean I can become a pirate now? Where do I sign up? AND most importantly, does this mean I can start using words/phrases like 'avast' and 'shiver me timbers'?
If I were ever to be a pirate, I doubt I would be using them RPG's. I mean what fun is that? I'm not a militant, I'm a PIRATE. With the crappy sword, parrot on my shoulder and wooden stub as a leg. Oh, don't forget the eye patch over the perfectly fine eye. Cuz if you're gonna be a pirate, you gotta go all the way.
So if pirates are still around, does this mean the samuri and ninja's are still running around doing battle with the forces of evil (or good)?
Still waiting for that pirate joke huh? You aren't gonna get one (I could've sooo thrown one in there with the word "aren't", but I'm sticking true to my word)