Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This Should've Gone Up Friday  

*Preface - I should've made this into a weekly segment, you know, because that's what professionals do, create segments that you can fall back on in case you don't have real material, except I consider this real material; yes, you could argue that a professional would not misuse a semicolon like I just did, and yes, you could argue that a professional would not be able to write a run-on sentence without imploding, but save your arguing for the debate club; if you aren't part of a debate club, then substitute "mirror" for "debate club"; real people are made from internal conflicts; anyways, back to the point; now I'm just abusing the semicolon; after three quick thoughts, I enter into a fuller discussion centered around a painful experience...

Definition of spam: "Junk email, usually unsolicited."

Or, as I was thinking (chelle, feel free to close your eyes and scroll down for about three seconds, depending on how fast you scroll):

Spam: Delicious meat in a can, preferably used in sandwiches or fried rice.


"What the hell were they thinking" - relating to software design, but led off with this:

That's pretty funny.


"Opinion Conclusion" - Posed a question to the class, then took the "pro" side by flashing up this image.

Mos Def! Get it!? That's hilarious. Second week in a row this particular presenter pulled this out of her bag of tricks. Very entertaining. I'm convinced this is how you should agree with any statement.


I had much more ready to be written here, but long story short, it's just really painful to watch someone self-destruct, even more so if they're standing about 10 feet from you. On a weekly basis.

Some people just need to be hugged.

Just make sure you pick the right technique.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:38 AM .