Friday, June 17, 2005
10 reasons why you should take candy from a baby
*Discalimer: I am going to be using SO many disclaimers. Its a rather touchy subject. Like a sweettooth. Touch it a lil, it'll annoy the heck out of you.
*Disclaimer1: Regardless of what I say, I will not take candy from your baby. Unless your baby is ugly, in that case, the baby does not deserve any candy
*Disclaimer2: Your baby is not ugly. Please do not leave hate comments.
1. Because babies dont fight back. it will most likely cry its head off. and because i have learned the valuable skill of tuning people out, it wont faze me in the bit. If the baby bites, then maybe you should consider running away, or refer to point 3.
*Disclaimer3: i do NOT tune you out. calm down now
2. Because its tempting. if you know me, you know i like my sugar. if you give the candy to the baby in front of my face, its the equivalent of giving some random kid cocaine in front of a just recently cured cocaine addict. okay bad example. but u know what i'm saying.
*Disclaimer4: kids dont do drugs k thx?
3. Because its easy to trick a baby. Give the baby an onion, or feta cheese to chew on while you take the candy. It won't know the difference, until its too late.
*Disclaimer5: do NOT feed your baby whole onions or feta cheese. thats just sick...woo
4. Because if you don't do it, someone else will. Why should you let some moron who sits at work all day that does nothing but blog (errr...i'm in over my head here) take the candy you so deserve? Better yet, what has the baby done to deserve candy? thats right, nothing. Dont pass on opportunity. It may never come knocking again.
*Disclaimer6: i SWEAR i do SOME work. and refer to point 9 if u dont believe that someone else will take the candy.
5. JUST TAKE IT ALREADY. you still need convincing?
*Disclaimer7: hey this is the first time i didnt need a disclaimer
6. Candy leads to cavities. Normally i would say better him/her than me. But not in this case. So for the good of the baby, take the candy. please, just think about the children. wont somebody please think about the children? please?
7. Candy leads to sugar highs. This will drive the mothers/fathers nuts. so for the good of the parents, take the candy. the parents will thank you later on, hopefully with candy.
*Disclaimer8: kwan is gay...sorry
8. Because the baby is smirking at you. Look closely now. The baby IS smirking at YOU. why? because the baby has the candy, and you don't. so you better put it in its place or else it will grow up to be a rebellious lil punk. society will thank you, again hopefully with candy.
*Disclaimer9: i can see its not a baby. please dont point that out to me.
9. Because this guy did it. Its the best decision he ever made in his life. doesnt he look happy? doesnt he?
10. Because STONE COLD SAID SO. just felt like i'd throw that in there. my brother is on some crazy wrestling phase in his life, and he wont shutup about it. just thought you'd like to know. boy would i like to stick a lollipop in his mouth.