Monday, June 06, 2005
your thirst has been Googl-ed
google has officially launched "operation be the best thing in the world", attempting to take away that title from coffee and all things coffee related. their aim? saturate the market with tons and tons of products/services.
of all the ridiculous things it could've released, google decided to go for the Google Gulp, its very own smart drink, in 4 exciting (ha! its a pun if you care to read the product details) flavors.
to get your very own google gulp, you must know someone who has first obtained this product so they can give you the cap, which you then exchage at select retailers for the actual gulp. "And if you don't know anyone who can give you one, don't worry – that just means you aren't cool." - google. not only do my poll results indicate that i'm a loser, now google is telling me i'm not cool.
in an attempt to verify this fact, i utilized another google feature, Google Sets. this allows a user to type in a few related items, and it will output the rest of the items in the same set. so i typed in a**** y*, along with loser, and some of the results: "failure, good for nothing" and my personal favorite: "Soul Suckin' Jerk".
slightly irritated at all the a**** bashing going on, i decided to play around with google sets, typing in "grumpy bear" and "bedtime bear" (carebears for all you poor children that never got a chance to watch), and amongst the result, i got a carebear that never made the cut, the "birthday bear". who i imagine would have a cake on its stomach...and its magic power? it would make you feel OLD, thus leading to depression, making you a vulnerable target. OR it would sing the birthday song, except it would imitate a group of people singing it (everyone sings in a different octave and key...and everyone's voice cracks on that high part causing mirrors to shatter) i wonder why that bear was never on the show.
now slightly perplexed, i went back to tryin to invalidate my "uncoolness", by asking(yes another unbiased source), Google Answer. This is a pay service, so i actually didnt get to ask my question ("am i cool?"). but i browsed around some questions asked. Most people, if they had to pay, would try their best to maximize the service. Some others decided to screw around and ask questions like:
What is the answer to this question?
Celebrites with Dandruff?
Do you like girls?
so i never did get an answer to my question, maybe that'll be next poll for my site visitors. altho, i'm pretty sure i know the results to that. jerks.
okay, so google gulp is not actually real, it was an april fools joke by google, i just thought ppl would find it amusing...i did