Friday, January 12, 2007

This Is May Be The End of Creative Titles  

Dear Fox,

As I prepare to settle into a weekend where the majority of the time will be spent on my couch watching the NFL playoffs as carried by your fabulous network (amongst others), I expect at least 50 references or ads related to or about the upcoming premiere of 24.

In fact, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to a spiffy "countdown to" clock running in the lower left corner of the screen.

Even though I have already seen the two episodes you plan to air in two days, as well as the two episodes the following day, I think that it would not only be the smart promotional move (synergy!), but can it get more macho than football and Jack Bauer?

Also if you could provide some dark periods during the unimportant parts of your show, where the television screen could go dark and the sound would be muted, in order for me to fit in power naps and/or washroom breaks, it would be greatly appreciated.



Posted in , posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:20 PM .