Tuesday, July 05, 2005

cuz when you're THIS STUPID  

you just deserve to be posted about...even if i already posted today.

NASA crashed a probe into a comet, all in the name of science and finding out stuff about other stuff. Everyone's happy. Except for THIS WOMAN

Seriously now. WHAT MORAL SUFFERINGS. and better question, how in the HECK does a case like this even make it to the courts. isnt there some sort of screening process?

i'm sorry, i promised to be nice...but this is just...its .. a slice of RIDICULOUS PIE. with a WTH cherry on top and GET A LIFE chocolate sauce drizzled on top to make for one scrumptious (is that how you spell it?) ... i dont know where i'm going with this. back to emailin i mean work.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:55 PM .