Wednesday, July 20, 2005
x to the end
To the haters out there you better quit your yappin before I proceed to clappin. Who do you think are? Mike Jones? Who is Mike Jones? SERIOUSLY who the heck is Mike Jones? And can anyone tell me what he's saying on his song!?
So the United States is considering using daylight saving time from March to November, rather than the current April to October period. Why is it that people can go extend unimportant things like daylight savings time, but I can't seem to get an extension on due dates when I need one? Or why can't Matt Bonner get a contract extension? Oh cuz he sucks. I hope he gets an extended stay on the DL next year.
I need an extension on summer. And an extension cord. So I can cart my computer around the office place and fraternize with my fellow employees while still maintaining the appearance that I am working. That'd be so sweet, like sugar.
And I wish I could stop getting those nasty "extend a certain body part of yours" emails. Ugh. so inappropriate. I wonder if little kids get those in their email acounts... that would just be horrible.