Tuesday, July 26, 2005

spell it  

double you..tee..eff

so i caught my brother watching the spelling bee on espn a couple weeks back (or is it months?). yes my brother is living my ideal summer...doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. but i digress.

i'm glad hockey is back because if i hafta see one more spelling bee on tv, i'm gonna hafta get all jack bauer yelling "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR!" before realizing that tv actually doesn't work for me...just viewers in general...so they have every right to put on spelling bees as long as people watch.

and i think if kids pulled more stunts like THIS then more people would watch. (seriously, click on this link and watch it...it'll be worth your time i promise, unlike some of my other links...seriously i ALMOST spit out the water i was drinking when i saw this, but unlike some other unfortunate individuals, i have superior control of my mouth)

over the weekend, a couple of us geniouses on my softball team figured out we could spell certain words with the numbers on our jerseys. take a look at what the two guys at the top of the lineup put together equaled (first person to guess which one is me wins):

that we are my friends, that we are.
and then for some reason, these jokers decided to put up their arms like they were being arrested. or i made them do it cuz hey i'm unofficial head coach when ralph is in hong kong, and as acting head coach i make sure things are done just the way ralph would do them. ... or the complete opposite haha.

feel free to laugh...out loud.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:26 AM .