Friday, July 08, 2005
shhh dont tell my boss. but i didnt pass THIS TEST.
i'm going to be fired.
The other day, I was in an elevator with 3 other people. As the doors started to close, a woman sprinted towards us yelling "wait!" I was closest to the control panel, so I started jabbing the "Open Door" button. But to no avail: the doors slid shut. Our last glimpse of the woman was of her running, reaching out, desperately trying to catch the edge of the door. I turned to the other people in the car and flashed them a "well, I tried!" smile.
As we started moving, I glanced down and noticed that I had been pressing the "Close Door" button by mistake. Afterall, it WAS 8:30 in the morning. A moment later it occurred to me that everyone in the elevator had watched me madly press the "Close Door" button as the woman had tried to get on board, and then grin about her failure to make it in time.
i'm going to be fired.