Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Second-Rate Cup  

I intentionally let one subway pass me by today so I could get on a less crowded one and hopefully find a seat cuz I'm tired. I didn't end up getting a seat. That also set me back 5 minutes. So walking by second cup, I decided to make myself feel better by getting a two dollar fruizzi.

Except, the deal wasn't on anymore. Apparantly it was only for the month of July. So what is the deal for this month I asked? ... Ice Blended Hot Chocolate.
Ice blended hot chocolate almost sounds oxymoronic to me. How can you have HOT CHOCOLATE COLD? And better yet, WHO in their right mind buys this stuff?

You think you're so cool with your ice-blended hot chocolate? News flash! You aren't. If you want to be cool, go work in an ice factory.

Thank you second cup for ruining my day. At the very least, I have an extra two dollars which can now be classified as "savings". Even if I intend to march down to Tim Hortins after this post and buy myself something chocolate-y. I guess I'm not much of a money-saver. I guess it's okay cuz:

posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:07 AM .