Friday, August 05, 2005

Why I'm Angry  

1. When you know things need to be done, but the ball doesn't seem to want to start rolling. Or better yet, the ball starts rolling, but backwards, and you end up having to pull an Indian Jones and duck into a random alcove or risk having the ball squash you.

2. My throat feels like sand. I had to shoulder the load of yelling out random phrases at people during practice yesterday. I need fellow hecklers.

3. None of THESE have worked for me.

4. Death.

5. Kwan is gay.

But in an effort to be happier, and because Kwan seems to like my angry posts, and if there's on thing my blog should be doing, it is pissing Kwan off, I must quickly switch it up and be happy.

Have you ever noticed the amount of friend's first names used in my posts? I write under the assumption that the amount of first names mentioned in any particular blog post is proportional to how bad my post will suck.

Speaking of assumptions, I should never assume. Cuz you become a donkey, I become a donkey, and then no matter WHAT i say, no matter HOW TERRIBLE my puns are, u'd hafta laugh because as a donkey, you'd be able to mutter "heehaw"...which is close enough to a laugh for me.

The Leafs finally decided they needed to put their foot down and keep Tie Domi. Because he is that important of a piece to the jigsaw puzzle. I think when the Leafs finally get their jigsaw puzzle together, it'll say "SORRY TRY AGAIN, LOSERS"

think happy thoughts. think happy thoughts.
*humming The Killers - Mr. Brightside*
*now singing out loud "Coming out of my cage
And I've been doing just fine
Gotta gotta be down
Because I want it all "

oh this made me happy:
Read Number 3
That's right boys and girls, I'm officially a beast. Call me Godzilla k thx. rawr.

holy smoking-fiddlesticks batman! i DO sound like you mike. Oh shoot son, two first names in one post. Please don't smash me up, I really do prefer compliments, so I compliment at an angle of 90 degrees.


Apparantly today is bring your baby to work day. I was not informed. Or else I would've brought Kwan into work with me OH BURN YOUR FACE.

posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:40 AM .