Thursday, December 27, 2007

Family Vacation  

This is what happens when a light-sleeping guy like me goes on family vacation. For a middle-class family of four, it only makes economical sense to pay for one hotel room.

One family member not named me is a giant of a snorer.

I have not fallen asleep yet, nor do I foresee myself doing so anytime soon.

Thanks to the wonders of wireless internet technology, I can blog about it! Not that anyone swings by here anymore anyways!

I'm wondering if I should continue to toss and turn for the next four hours. I may be forced to eventually do so regardless of my decision, as my laptop battery only lasts for two and a half more hours.

Family vacations.

A source of such great times, but such great stress at the very same time.

Maybe tomorrow night will be better.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:47 AM .

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Warning...Emo Ahead (But Have a Merry Christmas)  

That was funny, but the music was heart-wrenching.

Speaking of 98 Degrees, sometimes I feel like the Invisible Man, with invisible words.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:56 AM .

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Little Lols  


posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:38 PM .

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Television Talk  

*Preface - I haven't talked television in a while because television has become more of an excuse to straight chill with folks rather than being the event itself. I suppose it's for the better that way. But the upcoming holiday season tends to be accompanied by a look-back on things of the year past. For myself, it's much easier to review things that are way more fresher (that's right) in my mind, so with that said, here's some backward glances at television offerings of the year past! Allons-y!

I can sum up the past few months of television in one noun, which also doubles as a verb, triples as a tongue twister, and according to, quadruples as a British idiom! Seriously! The chance for confusion this word inherently possess is enough to make me chuckle!

(no pun intended)


Chuck - Geek employee (Chuck Bartowski) employed at a "Buy More" (think Best Buy/Futureshop) forced to double as a CIA agent. Is this a sign of things to come in my life? Probably not. Shows involving spies, covert agents and the protection of valuable assets usually turn out for the better. Plus, I like the character dynamics. And the fact that two life-long friends end up working at the same place and do almost everything together (reminds me of two ex-housemates of mine...the life parallels are uncanny). Two thumbs up for Chuck. Or, should I say, 10 binary thumbs up for Chuck.

Isn't she lovely? This character, Charlotte "Chuck" Charles, hails from the television series Pushing Daisies. Unconventional detective work (the male lead has special powers!) and a pie shop as a home-base put this show over the top. Add in some wit and some wacky characters and you have yourself one tasty pie. I mean, show. Pie is delicious.

Don't get me started on the finer points. If you watched Serendipity and it managed to incite violent anger from you every time the characters were oh-so-close to finding each other, but loved the movie nonetheless, this show should be right up your alley. The male and female stars are completely in love, but mustn't ever touch! WHAT A TWIST!

American Gladiators! They're coming back! The writer's strike means we, the audience, will be treated to a handful of horrible reality-based television shows, none of which I am more excited about then American Gladiators. For the "chuck" tie in, check out the 2:15 mark of the video. Fantastic.

Lastly, I know none of my readers watch the Sopranos (that I know of). Nor am I on that episode just yet. But I've got to wonder how many people chucked their television remotes at the cable box thinking that the cable companies screwed them out of the series' final scene, only to find out later that the show actually ended that way.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:11 PM .

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

They Don't Tell You These Things in Textbooks  

Time is short.
Time is money.

Money is definitely short (unless you're Frank Lucas).
Short is money?

If there's one thing for sure, this post sure ain't short. Buckle your safety harnesses, you're in for a wild ride...crank that Kosha Boy...

...Hanukkah's a festival we celebrate it everyday, haters get mad cuz they got one and we got eight!... let's get to the business.

What You Should Actually Do Whilst In University

You know, besides all the academic learning you're paying for. I assume that because you pay for it, you probably should be doing it. But you're not going to spend every living hour doing the academics. So what should you, the scholar-to-be, be doing with all your free time? I say that hesitatingly because time is not free. Read the equations above.

1. Train your immune system.
Rigorously and thoroughly. What's that saying, if you ain't using it, you're losing it? So while you're in your prime, push yourself immune system to the limit. Don't hesitate to eat food off the floor or to use a cup you haven't washed in a week. The oven-baked chicken wing looks a little raw after 20 minutes in the oven? There's only one way to find out, and that way goes through your stomach. Forgot to wash your hands before you eat? Don't stop now, if you go wash your hands your meal will get cold! And unless you're eating ice-cream, you probably don't want that.

*Sidenote* - Ice-cream for dinner? Why. Not. *End Sidenote*

You'll find that if you commit yourself to this, you'll get sick less often as the years go by, and you'll recover from any sickness quicker.

2. Evolve proper studying habits.

I say evolve because discovery is not enough. Sure, you may be a great owl, studying through insane never-heard-of early morning hours. You may even find that you work best with the pressure of an exam the next morning. Heck, you may find that on the day of the exam, you will drop everything to watch Evan Almighty (started off as a waste of time but finished nicely). And the absolute worst, you find that you calculate your mark prior to the exam, calculate exactly what mark you need on the exam to arrive at an acceptable overall mark, and then you study accordingly.

You will do well in academia. Really. Go on, give yourself a future round of applause if this is you. I'll wait.


But realize this. For the vast majority of us, in the (near) future, we will be taking jobs where we will not be able to dictate our working hours (at least not like we dictate our studying hours). We will not be able to rush work and get away with it, a 60% may be a pass in school, but 60% is a pink slip in the working world. We will not get to interrupt our working day to go and catch a movie or jump onto the non-existent beds for a power-nap-turned-full-out-sleep.

So this could go either way. Now that you realize your studying habits may not necessarily carry over to a successful career (it may open doors to it though), maybe you should look to study from 9-5 and then call it a night. I'm just saying. Or you could go the opposite way, and say that "this is the last time I'll ever get to live like a night owl" and take it the other extreme. But you need to know this.

3. For the music enthusiasts, go to concerts. For the eating enthusiasts, join a cooking club.

Don't just dabble in things you enjoy or may enjoy, commit to trying them out. Obviously this is within reasonable limits; I will not cover gray areas, but suffice to say, if you enjoy stealing, don't steal. Unless you're Derek Jeter.

Take some time to listen to different varieties of music or to taste different foods. Find a mountain and climb it!

This is getting too inspirational. Please watch this before continuing. In a year, I'll be 23. I'm going to need bigger shirts.

4. A french fry just fell on the floor. You better eat it.

5. Continuation of 3., sort of, but I lost my train of thought.

Enjoy the company of different people. Sometimes this may be born out of necessity. But if you find yourself running with a different pack of wolves (so to speak) every term, do not despair. You'll find that like most dynamic networks, you'll settle on a steadier group of friends (attractors) even if the peripherals keep changing.

But people are like snowflakes. No two are the same. So get to know some.

6. The list is getting too generic.

Yup. I went in with a full head of steam with my first two points, then 2am, coupled with the reality of my zero-creative-ability level, kicked in. This post ends now.

The point is, university is a special place. And I can't believe I only have half a year left (pending the passing of courses). This is one of the happier and sadder days of the year at the very same time. I need to stop putting myself in situations that confuse my mind.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:01 AM .

Saturday, December 08, 2007

This Can't Be Right, There's Only One Of Me  

*Preface - I hired trained bodyguards to protect the names embedded in this post. The guards are disguised as *'s. Don't make them angry, not only are they DYING to shoot, but they will shoot to KILL. The cleverness of that last statement warrants a moment of silence.


Recently, a string of e-mails addressed to my e-mail address, but not to me, was delivered to my inbox. Some other A**** Y* seems to be feeding their friends faulty information. You may understand after reading the snippet pasted below:

"there are always fun and adventure when taking up a different step in life, without a doubt, you will find them around you in your upcoming new journey.

hope you will enjoy and make the most of it :)

will miss you for the special golf lessens :P .. and thank you for that :P

Good bye and Good luck !

M*** :)"

This "other-me" is departing for some new life experience and has already chosen to ditch his (or her, but hopefully his because A**** with two a's should be a guy's name 100% of the time) friends, cleverly dodging e-mails and unintentionally giving the guy who get surprised by increasing inbox counts something to talk about.


The other e-mails I received were along the same lines, with one special "group" e-mail informing me that I was invited to a "goodbye party"!

For the record, I totally debated leaving the "special golf lessens" alone, but decided that 'lessens' was too horrendous of a mistake. Never-mind (special) golf lessons, but I'd investigate English lessons if I were M***.

But don't worry, I've done the right thing, courteously replying back to inform them they have the wrong A****, which probably exposes their real friend as a ditcher, but I stand by my decision.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:59 PM .

Friday, December 07, 2007

They May Be Indestructible...  

...but Nalgene bottles may be destructing YOU from the inside-out.

This has been a public service announcement.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:10 PM .

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I sat down to discover my fortune for tonight, via the opening and eating of a fortune cookie delivered alongside some takeout.

"Give yourself a day off -- at least give yourself a relaxing evening."

I was not pleased with the outcome of this fortune as I had already planned to give myself the night off (did I mention I was going to a concert that technically starts in the middle of my exam tonight? Chris, I know you're not reading this, but don't tell our parents, okay? Thanks.)

(That made no sense at all.)

Because I ordered a meal for two (the food works about to be about four meals so it's cheaper if I order this way and pretend as if I had someone to eat with), I sat down to open the other fortune cookie.

"Give yourself a day off -- at least give yourself a relaxing evening."

Either the restaurant has a barrel full of the exact same message for all the frazzled students during exam time (probable), or the gods-of-Chinese-takeout are trying to tell me something (ominous).


posted by Buttug McOysty . 5:38 PM .

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I Get Carried Away With My Analogy  

*Preface - I'm procrastinating on my philosophy paper, which I was only working on as a cover for procrastinating on studying for Wednesday's exam. Nevertheless, for those that have been unwillingly & unwantingly(?) subjected to my football-rants of late, I apologize, and will attempt to word this football post in much more interesting terms. Seriously. You wouldn't even know I was talking about football if I didn't mention it here in my preface. But I didn't want to blindside you. So, you're welcome.

Have you ever played video-games with someone so ridiculously good looking?

For example, in the game of Goldeneye, they'd herd you into a corner, shoot you, pump a few more bullets in you after you're dead to leave blood stains on your character when you re-spawn, and when you do re-spawn, they've placed mines all over re-spawn locations and kill you all over again. Then they start playing with their left hand, playing with their back turned to the television, playing with their eyes closed and going for extended washroom/snack breaks, all while taunting you?

And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, they cede control of half the controller to their little sister and still manage to rampage right over you.

As time begins to expire, you hear the beautiful sound of ticks counting down the time to the end of this deflating torture, yet they manage to shoot you once more from an insane angle when you thought you could just mercifully run out the time. So you chuck your Nintendo-64 controller at the television*, but because of the wire limitations, it manages to drop just short of the tele, the cherry on top of your embarrassment-chocolate-fudge-sundae.

I. Was. That Guy.

But more importantly, so are the 2007 New England Patriots! But back to the video game analogy.

Now, let's say that screen-looking is considered cheating. But it's one of those things that every gamer does and it's one of those things that only good gamers will actually use to their advantage anyways. Let's say the above great gamer (me) is called out by a newbling, who provides evidence of the great gamer screen-looking. The great-gamer gets a slap on the wrist, then proceeds to relentlessly decimate every opponent from that point on, even more so than before. They're not even blinking anymore because they're so focused beating people down and showing people they don't need to screen-look to be scary-good.

In two weeks, the world will witness that very great gamer, still very much hell-bent on getting revenge, going up against the newbie that ratted him out.

It is not going to be pretty. 100-0? It's realistic at this point.

That's the NFL! It's Faaaaaaaaaantastic!

*Out of control gaming controllers being hurled at television sets is a phenomenon that has been around a lot longer than the Nintendo Wii, which only made it popular thanks to the hilarious Youtube videos arising from such situations). If Youtube had been around in the Nintendo-64 days, there would've been hilarious Youtube videos of that too, probably from the same dumdums. You could disagree with me, but you'd be wrong.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:46 AM .

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Click 'Read More' If You're Bored And Want To Read More  

*Preface - That's a new low as far as post titles go.

Last night, I was waiting on a couple chicken wings to heat up in the oven, so I had a couple minutes to spare in the kitchen.

I also had access to a carton of Equality apple juice. Equality being possibly the worst-tasting brand of apple juice, it's just too watery.

You see where this is going don't you.

Ten minutes later, I was sipping on a hot cup of Tropicana-tasting apple juice (the excessive water in Equality magically boiled off, leaving the desired sugar-rich concentrate).

This process is patent pending.

I'm as aawesome as I'll ever be.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:13 PM .

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Reflection Internal  

*Preface - As opposed to reflection eternal. On a music related note, DJ Girl Talk. Have ya heard? If you haven't, you need to hook yourself up. Or bug me to hook you up. More importantly, Broken Social Scene. December 5th. I am fully aware I have an exam the night of the 5th. But if you are remotely interested, and reside in Kingston or are willing to drop by Kingston, BUG ME and let's get this show on the road!

"Sometimes it seems there are only two constants: who we are, our reality, and who we want to be, our potential. And life is the time we spend trying to bridge that gap." - T.A.N.

As John Mayer once said, everybody take a moment and acknowledge how damn deep that is. John was talking about a drum intro to a blues version of his song "Something's Missing".

It was deep.

As I continue to mull over what the future holds for me, I think I've made a startling discovery. Not a patentable discovery, but one of personal importance nonetheless. Because you see, the discovery was about me.

That sentence contained a nice rhyming structure.

I function remarkably better in the higher-institution-of-learning environment than I do in the working world, even though the amount of work, and arguably the difficulty of the work, is similar.

I'd plot the relationship out for you if I weren't so sick of, word to Ne-Yo, graphs.

Now, I was previously able to convey that point by semi-explaining that the freedom of pressure offered by academic learning as compared to the stress of delivering or facing real world implications in the work place was the main difference.

I still think there is a tidbit of truth in that. The impact of me tanking school really only impacts my parent's money my parents and I (ignoring the people I technically could've affected in the future). But those two (or three) factors still weigh in and do not allow a completely pressure-free environment.

The more likely mechanism at work here is the fact that my ENTIRE internal biological clock is just a time zone behind. Yup. It's not only my eating habits. It's also my studying/work habits.

From the hours of 9pm-present, I cranked out a paper that's not due for another two days. Yet, this morning at 8:30am, I wasn't even in the right state of mind to bring a pen to tutorial.

A. Pen.

The stark contrast between the times when my mind is fresh is ridiculous. I had to bother an equally zoned-out student in front of me for a pen to sign the attendance sheet (the only reason I ventured to class that early in the first place, I've had a long few weeks), who also didn't have a pen. A guy sitting across the aisle was kind enough to toss me a pen, and the situation was slightly salvaged by me not dropping the pen.

I should probably re-locate to another time zone if I want to have a successful career. And I may need to re-locate every so-often in case my body decides to 'adapt', even though it clearly does not want to adapt to my current situation.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:19 AM .

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Slept On This Far Too Long  

For music listeners with eclectic tastes, check this out.

Insane entry into the Beatles sample at the 1:05 mark, then it's the freakin' O.C. theme song at 1:58. A bit of Mariah Carey and Alicia Keys (amongst others) if you can catch it.

The DJ, Girl Talk, layers samples together and releases full albums. I haven't been able to stop listening to it, and it has spread contagiously like Flaze's cough to one of my housemates.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:58 PM .

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


*Preface - I said I'd report back here with my eating habits for the past week, but it turns out, my experiment was flawed. Everytime I wanted to go eat crap, I remembered that I'd have to put that on my blog and that momentarily deterred me from buying and eating crap. But then, because of my journalistic instincts, I attempted to correct this bias and present credible results by convincing myself to eat things I'd normally eat whether or not I'd be posting about them later.

So what happened was an internal mind battle. And if you saw me standing on the sidewalk outside a chip-truck looking horribly confused and slightly pained, that's what was happening.

Let's say you have a friend, whom you have lent money to in the past, and you have observed cases of other people also lending the very same friend money in the past. 80% of the time, the money never gets returned. This friend approaches you and after an explanation of the plight they currently finds themselves in, asks you to lend them some money to get themselves out of the financial bind.

You. Don't. "Lend". That. Friend. Your. Money.

Instead, you'd probably find alternative ways, "teaching friend how to fish" etc.



Take that theory and apply that to this football player, and why you would never want to "test" him. Just kick the ball out of bounds already, please.

He's just that good.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 4:36 PM .

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Earlier today, I sent an email to myself and when I looked up in five minutes and saw my Inbox(1) count, I was really excited...

...until I realized it was my own email.

The life of a computer lab rat is so depressing.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:18 PM .

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I know you missed me. I know you know you missed me. And I missed you missing me.

A five day break? From the same guy who had a post per day rate for the month of October? I mean, there hasn't been this big of a break since Shaun Livingston's leg. Watch the video, if you dare.

Makes you cringe don't it? It may cause you to throw up a bit of your lunch.

Which is why I'm here today.

I have decided that I am going to keep an online journal... accepted definition of the word "blog"...

...of my eating habits, for the next week.

Because after eating a chicken sandwich for lunch, a naniamo bar and a slice of cake for dinner, and a whole pizza for a midnight snack, I feel the need for some online accountability.

And for y'all to disapprovingly shake your heads at me. Altogether now...


*slow head shake*

You know, some would consider a disapproving shake of the head as a subtle way of saying "I missed you".

My hypothesis for my eating habits is simple. Or should I say, my null-hypothesis. Thank you educational institution for providing me with the proper statistical terminology to use in my blog posts, without fully convincing me of the correct usages of such terms (I am not phrasing my hypothesis in the form of a null's too much of a bother).

I am out of this worldtime-zone.

While I physically reside in this time zone, my mind is over in California and directs my body to eat when Californians eat. See, if you frame-shift my meals, a chicken sandwich for breakfast, a couple of dessert foods for lunch, and a pizza for dinner, it seems a lot more normal.

Statistics pun.

Though the time shift explains my meal times, I still have not yet figured out why I decide to identify the foods that clog my arteries the best, and then proceed to eat them. Please chew ... pun ... on this post and comment away with your head-shakes and theories. It's safe to say I need some help.

Hopefully I'll be back here every day of this week if only to post up what I ate that day, if I don't get a heart-attack first. This should give me the motivation to post in an overly-hectic time of year.

Thank you. And Happy American Thanksgiving. Tomorrow.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:22 AM .

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I just demolished a wrap I purchased from a local food truck vendor.

The wrap, appropriately named the SV Slider, consisted of bacon strips (none of that fake bacon-flavored-cardboard stuff they give you at McDonalds)& poutine on a...

...wait for it...

...I wonder who actually reads through these blatant stalling lines...

...WHOLE WHEAT WRAP. Because, I'm health conscious.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 5:42 PM .

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Let The Rain Fall Down...  

...I'm coming clean. Word to Hilary Duff.

I have an addiction. I'm past the first stage (denial) and I'm in the stage of admittance. Steps have been taken to right this wrong, including being here to write about this wrong.

Frick (you'll understand in a second).

"You write well despite an unfortunate addiction to the passive voice (which I urge you to lose)." - Philosophy 157 Professor

Before today, I didn't even know there existed a passive voice. And what I didn't know, hurt me. I feel like someone should've warned me of the dangers that follow from using a passive voice. Perhaps my high-school English teachers. Not even instruct on the subject, just maybe briefly mention it in a bullet point on a "things not to do in University".


I like to pad my writing with unnecessary things. I think it may stem from my tendency to do asinine things, for example:

*Sidenote* I just finished filling out the "apply to graduate" form, and realized the due date was 6 days ago. Can you say, sixth year? But back to the point at hand, I tend to lambaste you, my readership, with unrelated topics, and then have the audacity to follow it with something like...*End Sidenote*

*Seriously? A sidenote following a sidenote?* Yup. *End Sidenote*

All that taken into consideration, I still did well, although I guess that could be attributed to the fact that I'm not playing Spider Solitaire on dumb easy mode during lectures. And maybe because I have a knack for following instructions.

Except that time when I re-read an assignment outline with ten minutes to go before an online submission and realized I had missed one of the final requirements and attempted to hammer out mad lines of code but still missed the deadline by one minute. One. Minute.

That time was Monday.

Today has been better.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 8:55 AM .

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Now You Get To Think  

*Preface - I'm having a horrible time figuring out the equations needed to complete this programming assignment. Too many summations and terms that appear out of nowhere, but that's besides the point. Speaking of summing things up...

"A woman's life is love. A man's love is life." - Little Brother



posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:40 PM .

Monday, November 12, 2007

Dear Girl In My Philosophy Class,  

It's bewildering why you would choose to sit three rows from the front of a medium sized class and play spider solitaire throughout the 50 minute lectures.

You should probably free up the space for people that want to sit closer to the professor and contribute to the class, rather than being a complete distraction for everyone behind you who can't help but think to themselves, "Self, that girl probably shouldn't be using the 'hint' function when she's only playing spider solitaire with one suit. Can she really not see the ace and the two that are side-by-side? A turtle would probably hit random keys and win the game faster. In fact, I'm going to daydream about that right now."

Please consider a move to the back of the classroom if you insist on playing your card games. Or better yet, just stay home.

Much love,



posted by Buttug McOysty . 5:06 PM .

Friday, November 09, 2007

More Gangster Humor? But Not Really, Cuz Kanye Never Sold Drugs  

I found this to give me quite the chuckle at 2:20am in the morning, which isn't saying much because I'll wake up in a few hours and wonder where the humor was...

... but Kanye West, blogging about Hayden Panettiere (Heroes), and her stuffed animal shark?


Yup, it's still funny.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:20 AM .

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

That's Gangster Comedy For You  

Courtesy of jamphat.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:39 PM .

More From Computing Class  

*Preface - This marks the glorious return of Buttugly-length posts. Last month, I posted at a breathtaking pace, but I couldn't afford the time to develop thoughts. I can't promise I'll deliver a post-per-day, but enjoy this ramble. Also, Alicia Keys is set to drop soon, and so far, the tracks I've heard have sounded awesome. Not aawesome, but simply soulful. You aren't ready.

This racially motivated hate-email was sent out back in 1996, by one Richard Machado, to 59 Asians enrolled in the University of California, Irvine. Mr.Macahdo, a minority himself (Mexican), was later criminally charged for his actions.

I already posted something along racial lines a couple posts back, and while it wasn't my original intent at all, I had a feeling it was leading up to something. Here's an edited version of the email to provide context for the following small discussion:

"I hate Asians, including you. If it weren’t for asias at UCI, it would be a much more popular campus. You are responsible for ALL the crimes that occur on campus. YOU are why I want you and your stupid ass comrades to get the f*** out of UCI. IF you don’t I will hunt you down and kill your stupid a****. Do you hear me? I personally will make it my life carreer to find and kill everyone one of you personally. OK?????? That’s how determined I am."

Obviously, this is absurd, and you'd be inclined to think that as a society, we've made social progress since 1996. But let me assure you that these things happen on a daily basis even in the year 2007, or as I like to call it, Willenium + 8. What a polarizing album. There were maybe two songs that didn't make you want to introduce your head to the closest baseball bat. But that's neither here nor there.

You'd figure people would be more secretive with their unreasonable hatred given the liberal society we live in, but dumb people prove me wrong all the time. Never count on dumb people. Unless, you're counting on them being dumb. Even that sometimes is a stretch.

It's not enough for us to stop there and just label dumb people as dumb, because that's not the root of the problem. This horrific expression of stupidity is an example of an extreme symptom of some deep-rooted values woven into the fabric of our society. While these expressions are usually subdued, for some, subtlety is not a strong suit.

And while I'd gather to say that most of the people reading this (or the people I am aware of) have been shielded from such ignorance in our privileged lives, just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all.

May I present to you, real life scenario A. I was purchasing steaks from a local deli shop, and while paying for my purchase, an elderly Caucasian gentlemen behind me made eye contact with me and then unleashed a string of Mandarin phrases before explaining that was one of the many languages he had picked up during the course of his life. I countered by informing him I had no knowledge of the Mandarin dialect whatsoever, and sincerely congratulated for being multilingual.

Upon walking out of the store, and out of his hearing range, my buddy, who was standing there beside me the whole time, exclaimed, "I'm glad it was you who dealt with him because if it was me, I would've pwn'd him because that was straight up ignorant."

Was it cute for the old man to approach me like he did? A little. Honestly innocent in his intentions? Most probably. Does it change the fact that it was indeed ignorant for him to jump to conclusions like that? Nope.

That's what I'm talking about. The way we generalize people is almost dehumanizing. Yes, it is a reflection of the culture we have been raised in, but that does not rule out individual responsibility. Let's learn to understand one another, setting aside personal preferences and taking into account factors that may not have been prominent in your upbringing, but important in the development of the other person. And even more importantly, let's look out for one another instead of focusing on ourselves.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:30 PM .

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The Things I Notice  

I had cup of butter pecan flavored coffee and a pralines and cream flavored muffin this morning.

As if ice cream invaded my breakfast.

The only thing missing was a scone.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:01 PM .

I Still Like Turtles  


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:37 AM .

Sunday, November 04, 2007


By the time you read this, it will already have been too late.

Or too early. I don't know. The math confuses me at this time of night. Actually, I don't even know what time of night it is. Regardless...

I have a question. And you probably won't have the answer. But a few of you may attempt to think of one on the spot in my comment section below. Knock your self's out. That's right. Your self's.

There's a lot of thinking going on in this post.

Thanks to daylight savings time, if someone wanted to go back to "02:00 November 4, 2007" in a time machine, would the machine warp them to the first 02:00 (which was an hour ago), or would the machine warp them to...right now?

I timed that perfectly by the way.

So while I reach over to adjust my annoyance that greets me every morning alarm-clock, I do so hesitantly, knowing my actions could irrevocably ruin the space time continuum.

Am I the only one who thinks about these things?


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:58 AM .

Friday, November 02, 2007

Soulja Boy Tell 'Em Kids  

I'm all for exposing kids to different aspects of cultures at various points in their education/life, but I think this is taking it too far. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just watch the cute kids do a cool dance, but if you know, then feel free to shake your head:


posted by Buttug McOysty . 4:48 PM .

Bubble Trouble  

Bubble-gum makes my jaw tired. It's probably why I never buy bubble-gum, nor take anyone up on their gum (bubble or not) offers. I inevitably end up spitting the gum out in five minutes.

But today, I deemed five minutes worthy of the $1.36 it costs for a pack of Sour Apple Bubblicious, the only brand of bubble-gum worth anyone's time anyways. Feel free to disagree, but you'd be wrong.

So I stood there, counted out $2.36, took my $1.00 change, and walked towards the door feeling proud for unloading 7 worthless coins (6 pennies and a nickel) and for indulging myself in a sudden urge to splurge on what amounts to chewy, flavorful sugar, until I was stopped by the shrill voice of the cashier.

"Sir, your bubble-gum?"

I had almost inadvertently walked out of the store without my purchased merchandise. The scary thing is, this is not the first time I've lined up, paid for an item, and walked away without said item.

I am a modified-philanthropist by trade. I give to the poor stores.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:32 AM .

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

That's The Way The Cookie Crumbles  

That's the way...

the bee bumbles?
the ditz stumbles?
the paper crumples?
uh-huh uh-huh, I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh.
the silencer muffles?
the professor mummbles?
the play-list shuffles?
the chip ruffles?

THE CHIP RUFFLES? That's a pun and I didn't even intend it! Shouldn't there be some generic saying for a pun I accident-upon, something like... pun intended.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:12 PM .

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's Hard To Work With Basketball On TV  

I am streaming some live NBA action from a television station in China, and boy do they have quality coverage.

For one team (Houston), their key-to-the-game is, and I quote, "Don't Lose".

Chinese people really know their basketball.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:34 PM .

I'm Frazzled For A Midterm Later on Today  

*Preface - Highly disjointed semi-rhyming thoughts while I start realizing that no amount of studying will help me learn this material I just don't understand. Read at your own discretion. This is the requisite "emo" post, which may completely shock some of you, but "emo-type" posts usually generate comments. But I don't think I went emo enough. Meh.

My palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy,
naw, not really, but this theory,
isn't kickin' in.
Punching through paragraphs,
I stop to laugh,
at the relatively useless information.

What, am I waiting on Ryan to start a fire within?
If so, we may never see the fire again.

Death is eventual,
is my life consequential?
It doesn't have to be monumental,
just live up to my potential.

"Be all you can be", like the reserves
Unperturbed, march on in the face of scrutiny,
painful memories resounding in the shooting gallery
that is my heart.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:13 AM .

This Should've Gone Up Friday  

*Preface - I should've made this into a weekly segment, you know, because that's what professionals do, create segments that you can fall back on in case you don't have real material, except I consider this real material; yes, you could argue that a professional would not misuse a semicolon like I just did, and yes, you could argue that a professional would not be able to write a run-on sentence without imploding, but save your arguing for the debate club; if you aren't part of a debate club, then substitute "mirror" for "debate club"; real people are made from internal conflicts; anyways, back to the point; now I'm just abusing the semicolon; after three quick thoughts, I enter into a fuller discussion centered around a painful experience...

Definition of spam: "Junk email, usually unsolicited."

Or, as I was thinking (chelle, feel free to close your eyes and scroll down for about three seconds, depending on how fast you scroll):

Spam: Delicious meat in a can, preferably used in sandwiches or fried rice.


"What the hell were they thinking" - relating to software design, but led off with this:

That's pretty funny.


"Opinion Conclusion" - Posed a question to the class, then took the "pro" side by flashing up this image.

Mos Def! Get it!? That's hilarious. Second week in a row this particular presenter pulled this out of her bag of tricks. Very entertaining. I'm convinced this is how you should agree with any statement.


I had much more ready to be written here, but long story short, it's just really painful to watch someone self-destruct, even more so if they're standing about 10 feet from you. On a weekly basis.

Some people just need to be hugged.

Just make sure you pick the right technique.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:38 AM .

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Life Lesson - Failure Is Always An Option  

*Preface - Sure, this guy is hip-hop aware, but this video has nothing to do with hip-hop. Watch and learn. He has also been responsible for other informed, great videos.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:12 PM .

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Is This An Aberration?  

Or am I really going at a rate greater than one post a day for the month of October?

It's almost as if I didn't have two exams and a seminar this week, nor an exam coming up next week.

Sure, you haters would argue my posts haven't been of quality length, and while I'll try to write up something of substantial length (not promising quality), a post is a post and that's what matters the most.

That rhymes and I didn't even intend it.

I've been a little late on this one, but I encourage everyone to head over to, specifically this post, carefully read through the super long post and super long comment section, and think about things. Obviously, draw your own conclusions (don't just read and agree with everything, or one person, hmmm this kinda relates to the discussion itself), there are many perspectives being drawn on, and even more ideas being tossed around, but a lot of time/effort has been put into a discussion of this magnitude.

You kids wanted to start conversations in my commenting section, so I thought I'd show you how professionals do it.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 6:00 PM .

Jack Bauer, Please Step Aside  

Oh Em Gee!

It's Tony Freakin' Almeida!


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:21 PM .

A Part of my Skill Set  

*Preface - This was just sent to me 2 minutes ago via email, as my seminar group is preparing for our 4pm talk today, by the female member of the group. I think we may just use this, with one of our topics being Internet dating and all. How does one accomplish any work at all after being sent hilarious images?


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:23 PM .

Alicia Keys - No One (Live on Leno)  

*Preface - The makeup around her eyes (mascara?) gives her crazy-eyes when she closes them, so watch carefully (1:20 mark). Cozy up to your computer monitor a bit. Good music is definitely in the building. Oh, did you manage to catch Bill O'Reilly there as Jay was intro-ing the segment? Good times.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:23 AM .

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Unjustified Outrage? May-haps  

*Preface - I started to type maybe, but decided to switch to perhaps. Inexplicable. Furthermore, you'd probably find it funny that I'm currently in the library (for real!), haven't had a bite to eat all day, and I'm basically doing myself a big disservice talking about food. Because more often than not, I epitomize my blog title. But I already said that.

The following is an ad for fried chicken, Colonel Sanders style. After the jump, watch for the supposedly-racist theme:

Please note that while it is indeed a Black family eating (delicious) fried chicken, that is not the issue at stake in this case. It is the portrayal of a Black family without a father that has been deemed racist (watch it again if you have to, but there is no father sitting around the table).

And if you think this is just a horrible stereotype (growing up father-less is soooo hip-hop), the statistics seem to be in favor of the generalization.

Also, it doesn't look like it's the first time that KFC has been in trouble with a questionably-racist ad.

Do the insulted parties have traction for their case here? Or is this completely ridiculous?

*Final Note* - We, the people of Seriously Stupefying Stupidity, do not condone the terrible mistreatment of animals generally associated with fast-food chains. If you are going to devour 150 pieces of fried chicken (for a hundred dollars, or whatever my brother kept saying), at least be inclined to know what you're eating and maybe cut back a bit mmkay thanks. *End Final Note*


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:32 PM .

Monday, October 22, 2007

For You Conspiracy Theorists  

Remember that 9/11 conspiracy video, Loose Change (no link because I think it's a waste of your time, but you can easily find it yourself)? Welps, here's a Titanic conspiracy video, aptly titled, "Unfastened Coins". Enjoy the show.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 4:01 PM .

I Blog, Because I Am  

I epitomize my blog title.

Hecks, for a time, I even spelled a portion of my blog title wrong. Who does that?


I had a midterm today, that turned out to be worth double what I originally thought it was worth (after allotting studying time based on what I thought it was worth, and for half of that, studying with the television on and the sound muted).

*Sidenote* - Before I forget, welcome to the ... last week of Rocktober! Matt Holliday still hasn't touched home-plate! Can you feel the excitement? Will the Rockies continue to win at a magical pace? Did the Red-Sox buy their way to a championship? Will their games be snowed under in Colorado? Does anyone even know what I'm babbling about? *End Sidenote*

For the first question, I was asked to list out six words in order, which I had created an acronym for, because that's one of the best memorization techniques when it comes to making lists (apparently).

D.I.O.P - Ladies and gentlemen, DeSagana Diop, a basketball player that...
N.R. - nabs rebounds!

Simple enough right?

So imagine my delight as I go to scribble down D.I.O.P.N.R., then realize I had not properly memorized the first and last words corresponding to the acronym.

Time to break out a tub of ice cream. It's not so bad as a consolation prize.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:30 AM .

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Buttug McOysty, For Three  

*Preface - To break up the conversations occurring between people in my comment boxes, I have taken to post more often. Hopefully the disjointedness of everything will throw people off (for some, it already has).

I just did something so ridiculously cool, but at the same time, so incredibly dumb.

For a study break, I intended to head outside because it smells in my room the air is way fresher out there. With the temperature outside being slightly cooler than the internal temperature of my smelly room, I had to put on a pair of pants.

In the process, I kicked off my pair of shorts, which then flew across my room and into the basket containing dirty laundry.

Then after standing there for 10 seconds admiring the accuracy of my shot, I realized that a perfectly clean pair of shorts was now mingling with dirty clothes.



posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:33 PM .

Friday, October 19, 2007

I Need To Do That  

Say the title of this post aloud.

Now be completely honest, what you really said was, "I need tuh do that".


posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:11 AM .

xkcd, I have so much to learn from you  


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:12 AM .

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

That's Ignant Ignorant  

Don't look now, but the DNA guy, you know James Watson, could be in a little bit of trouble with the racism police.

"Black people 'less intelligent' scientist claims".

I'll discuss this at a later date.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:18 PM .

I Think, Therefore I Am, And You Are Not  

You know what's odd, besides the number 13?

I'm going about my bid-ness wif mah head down lo' and outta no'where, I spit lines that be da hottest fiah, but I ain't gots no beef wit nobadee. I guess I'm just a smartee yo.

*Translation* - I was casually waltzing through a regular day in my life when my beautiful mind came up with the craziest lyrics for a rap battle, even though I'm not currently involved in a verbal/physical feud. My mind stays sharp like an A student's pencils, like my breath staying fresh thanks to a package of Mentos.

It's the Fresh-maker.

I drop knowledge on you, better go grab a dictionary or thesaurus,
I'm way past your time, that's why this guy calls me a "brontosaurus".

I'm definitely not the person you want to mess with,
You've made a huge mistake, like you were George Michael Bluth.

Firstly, I suck.

Secondly, what the deal-è-õ? I could be dreaming up bigger things, like how to cure cancer, but instead, my mind does this with it's spare time? I must not be feeding it the right things. From here-on-out, I'm implementing a strict cupcake and apple-juice diet.

Thirdly, the second rhyme only works when I say it out loud and force the last words to rhyme.

Lastly, you probably won't even understand. My mind is on another level.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 4:04 PM .

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Post I Almost Forgot About  

Setting: Previous Thursday afternoon computer ethical, social & legal issues seminar course. It's not as boring as it sounds...

During a presentation on the increasingly inappropriate levels of violence and sex in video games:

"In Grand Theft Auto 3, if you're losing life points, simply get a "hooker" and regain 25 health!"

Me: Boy, the character must've been really lucky to have met a hooker that has a medical degree. What are the chances!
Cool Caucasian Dude (think AE model) Sitting Beside Me: Lolz.
Seminar People: Cut-eye.

The very next afternoon, again in the same class...

We role played, my group acting as the family of a shuriken'd murder victim named "Helga" (I know one of you kiddies took on this pseudonym), I debated whether or not it was appropriate to fake cry for the whole class given the fake circumstances my fake family was in.

Later on in that Friday class, we were divided into groups for next week's presentations...

Cool Caucasian Dude: Hey, same group for the third week in a row!
Me: I'm starting to get sick of you.
Cool Caucasian Dude: Yeah, but it's lucky I'm so good looking. That probably helps.
Me: Uh-huh. We should just trot you out there, have you stand there for three minutes. That's how we'll end our presentation. You're our eye candy.
Cool Caucasian Dude: Does this mean I don't have to do any research?
Me: We definitely need a break from each other after this week.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:13 PM .

Monday, October 15, 2007

The Price Has Left The Building  

*Preface - That title just works on many different levels. You'll see.

I caught the inaugural episode of "The Price Is Right: The Drew Carey Take-Over" while waiting for my lunch to materialize.

You better go read that again. I'll finish up an episode of The Simpsons I'm watching as an act of justified procrastination (I'm spacing out the time between finishing a draft of the essay and editing because that's how us professionals do).

*Oh Homer, you is so stupid*

You see, I was waiting for a nice gentleman to make a pita for me, and his store was gracious enough to have cable television and happened to be set on the Price Is Right channel. I look away for a few minutes, and then turn around to a fresh lunch! Poof! Magic (without the Manna) materialization of lunch.

But back to the programming at hand.

Obviously, Drew Carey is not an adequate replacement for Bob Barker. Nobody could fill Bob Barker's shoes. In 47 seconds, Bob Barker eclipsed Drew Carey's entire career. Uh...

*Disclaimer* - Semi-excessive use of a certain profanity that suddenly became acceptable for television shows such as Friends somewhere this side of Y2K. If you have a relatively low tolerance for curse words, then please watch this unrelated video. Then come back here to nod your head pretending to understand the following short (I really need to get back to work) discussion.

Now, I watched one woman win a car, and in another preview, another woman, oh heck you gotta see for yourself:

One weird laugh that comes out of NOWHERE at the 37 second mark huh!?

But seriously now, here's what ought to be done to the show. Due to the downgrade of the host, the prizes should be correspondingly downgraded. I mean, sure, for the first episode, you want to bring out all the big guns. The cars, the big money, the nice vacations, whatever. I get it. I get it more than I get act-utilitarianism and it's potential to create a basis for toleration.

*Sidenote* - My own paper confuses me. This is not looking good. *End Sidenote*

After episode 1 (no phantom menace), all prize announcements should go something like this:

Rod Roddy...errr....moment of silence. May he R.I.P.

Rich Fields: Kevin, you are going to play Hi Lo for a chance to win your very own stainless steel refrigerator 1 and a half inch by one inch MAGNET!

Kevin: *punches Drew Carey in the gut and walks off*

I'd watch every episode. Wouldn't you?


posted by Buttug McOysty . 3:15 PM .

We Live Like Educated Savages  

House-mate #1 is currently showering.
House-mate #2 really needed to poo, so he barged his way into the washroom and is currently pooing.
House-mate #1 - "This is so awkward."
House-mate #2 - "Can I flush? It's going to smell if I don't."
House-mate #1 - "AHH the water, it burns. I can't believe you ruined my relaxing shower."
House-mate #2 - "You probably should've locked the door."
House-mate #2 exits stage left.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:51 AM .

Queen's Homecoming 2007 - It Was Relatively Tame IMHO  

Have you ever walked down a dimly lit, deserted street, all by your lonesome self, carrying enough stuff to make you teeter to one side, then to the other side as you compensate?

Where it was quiet enough for you to hear Charlie Chaplin perform?

You have?

I haven't! I don't know if I should envy you! Should I? But that's neither here nor there.

This weekend, I did the complete opposite.

Armed with a circle of friends and acquaintances, and some unnamed confection, not necessarily in the understood and oft used definition of the word, usually reserved for victory or the rich, we entered Aberdeen Street (picture is outdated, but still conveys the point) (*edit - Here's a short video).We were handed water bottles, wished good luck, and pushed and shoved our way to the other end of the street. At one point, I didn't even have to push or shove. I was carried along by the tide of the crowd. The cops were out in full force, and I was later informed they arrived by the bus-loads. The area was peppered by spotlights, which would've illuminated the liter lining the roads if it weren't for the hoards of people.

Another random note, it was as if everyone who was anyone was there, including people that aren't really anybody except for that one night. Then, back to relative obscurity.

And it was fantastic fun to witness a random girl attempting to hit on one of my house-mates. Quality entertainment while it lasted.

But I still don't understand the lifestyle. Nor do I understand how so many people can fit on old Kingston house balconies without fear of collapsing to their deaths.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:47 AM .

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Probably The Cleverest Thing You'll See All Day  

Thanks to the folks at Indexed.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:08 PM .

On Point  

I know that when people tell me they enjoy my company, they're lying. And just how do I know this?

Come a little closer.

That's it. Just a little more.

By the way, have you been watching The Office? FYI, it's on tonight.

I hope you're close enough that the computer monitor radiation is warming your heart.


That's honestly the best introduction I could come up with for this post.

A guest speaker graced the presence of my biological computing class this morning. He arrived a full half hour late.

Strike one.

It was entertaining to watch the prof stall for time. She even went as far as threatening to deliver a lecture, which she wasn't prepared for because there was supposed to be a guest speaker, in place of the guest speaker! You know, to make sure we all stuck around.

When the guest speaker finally arrived to give his talk about entrepreneurship, the introductory PowerPoint slide he flashed up was titled, "A infallible 10 points ...".

A. Infallible.

Strike two.

One strike was all he could afford. Unlike this little lady, who probably will not be able to afford anything for the rest of her life. Because with Buttug McOysty, part-time English snob, uhm, Esquire, you only get two strikes.

Major League Baseball has nothing on me.


There's a little something Queen's University is hosting this weekend, I believe it's called homecoming. If you don't see me on this space for a while, you can go ahead and assume that during my absence I'll be flipping cars and lighting them on fire. Because here at Queen's, we don't let friends go to Western, we rebel against the higher education newly inundated in our minds by proving we're still stupefying stupid at heart.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:16 AM .

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Lied, But When Things Happen, You Just Have To Post  

*Preface - Conversation occurred over MSN. Names have been changed, identities have been protected, unnecessary portions have been cut. Me = ME. Freakin' Funny Friend = FFF. And I realize that it's probably funnier to me right now at 2am than it will be when I re-read this later on today.

1:19:06 AM FFF - O M G
1:19:06 AM FFF - gah
1:19:15 AM FFF - i was about to go out to go to the washroom
1:19:20 AM FFF - and then i open the door......
1:19:26 AM ME - ... BATMAN!?
1:19:30 AM FFF - and there's 2 people in the hall
1:19:38 AM FFF - and they're totally wasted
1:19:47 AM FFF - my hall smells like alcohol
1:19:52 AM ME - s'okay
1:19:55 AM ME - alcohol
1:19:58 AM ME - smells better than weed
1:20:00 AM FFF - now i don't get to go pee before i sleep
1:20:01 AM ME - LOL WHAT
1:20:01 AM FFF - it does
1:20:03 AM FFF - but um
1:20:13 AM FFF - drunk people might ummm hurt me??

*skipping forward in time*
1:25:21 AM ME - NOTHING
1:25:22 AM ME - trumps washroom breaks
1:25:27 AM ME - except maybe war
1:25:28 AM ME - just make a run for it
1:25:30 AM FFF - honestly the people outside look scary
1:25:34 AM FFF - they're not from my floor
1:26:31 AM FFF - ewwwwwwwwwwww
1:26:34 AM FFF - they're making out
1:26:44 AM FFF - and they're like 2 m away from my door
1:26:46 AM FFF - ewwww

*skipping forward in time*
1:29:10 AM FFF - i hate this
1:29:45 AM FFF - i'm going to call my RA (residence adviser)
1:30:14 AM FFF - and he's larger than me
1:30:20 AM FFF - and he'll totally be able to kick them out
1:33:33 AM FFF - YAY i came back
1:33:27 AM FFF - safely

It took 15 minutes for her to empty out her bladder. And THAT'S why I keep message history.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 2:03 AM .

I'm Done After This, I Promise, Even Though It's Already A New Day  

*Preface - My titles are getting longer and less related to the posts.

Funniest thing I've read all day (I can safely say this because it's only 38 minutes in). Click to view full size, I apologize for the template limitations.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:38 AM .

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

And You Thought I Was Done  

*Preface - To be fair, so did I, until I was slapped in the face, ironically (or not) via Facebook

"haha no worries, your (not as...) frequent ( summer) blogging makes up for it"

This, after THREE posts in one day.

I feel as if love is apportioned daily, and I get tremendously short-changed.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:02 PM .

This Makes Up For The Upcoming Lack Of Posts  

Three in a day. I'm getting really bored reading school-related articles, so I had to hop over to ESPN.

Michael Vick t-shirts have been banned at some American college.

"You can't make light of a situation like that" - media relations guy

Can't? Or shouldn't? Because, I think we're waaaay past can't.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:48 PM .

It's Never A Good Sign When...  

I'm reading an article from a reputable-sounding URL address,, but the article sounds far-fetched enough that I have to constantly double-check with Wikipedia.




posted by Buttug McOysty . 7:51 PM .

Even If You Don't Like Baseball...  

I know heart-broken. And this person is heart-broken. Cue the waterworks.

All this, over a baseball team being ousted in the playoffs.

Keep in mind, she's supposed to be a professional.

I had to watch/listen to it twice, and it made me wish the Yankees lost every year in the first round of the playoffs. Listen for the build-up, or skip in about 30 seconds.

"The tears that you hear in my voice are coming down the faces of the coaches..."



posted by Buttug McOysty . 5:57 PM .

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Sensory Overload  

You know you're getting old when...'ve moved your glasses up onto your head, in the position you put sunglasses when they aren't in use, then an hour later, almost poke your eye out thinking that the glasses would be in their normal position, and then correspondingly freak out as if you've lost the glasses.

To be fair, this happened while I was listening to some really good music, and it's unfair to think that my senses are able to multi-task like that. When one of my five senses is being maxed out, I'd like to think the other four compensate by lowering their sensitivity.

So if I ever happen to be eating dinner with you, while a live band plays in the background, while I'm reading the dessert menu in anticipation, whilst I smell the tasty mixture of smells an eatery usually offers, and you ask me to feel the texture of the tablecloth... an ambulance. It'd be too much.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:51 AM .

Friday, October 05, 2007

I'd Be So Helpful  

*Preface - I don't know which irresponsible parents are personally escorting their kids around university campus tours on a Wednesday (school day, hello) before a long weekend, which would have been a much better time to visit a campus. Irony demands that the kids now fail school, or not obtain a high enough GPA to be admitted into the universities they visited. Nevertheless, here's how a theoretical campus tour of Queen's would have went down today.

*Preface 2 - I wrote most of this on Wednesday before I realized I had a paper & presentation to do for Thursday/Friday, so it's only coming up now. Deal with it.

Setting: Student Center, 10:00AM.

Wide-eyed prospective students and their irresponsible (see preface above) parents gather around my over-sized "follow me" flag

Tour Guide McOysty - Gather round, no need to push, the campus is big enough for all of us. I'll be your campus guide today, my name is Buttug McOysty, and it's a shame you can't see URL links in my oration. You're missing out. Seriously (stupefying stupidity). If at any point you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt me and ask!

Overly-Inquisitive-Girl - Why is there such an excessive amount of dust in the air?

TGM - That would be the construction. You hear the stabbing, head-ache inducing, ground-pounding noises in the background?

Overly-Inquisitive-Girl's Mother - How do you put up with this ruckus!

TGM - Angrily.

*whistles blowing in the background*

Borderline-Bored-Boy - Does a train run through your campus?

TGM - Your sarcasm is not appreciated.

*approaching the construction site, which at this point, is just one big empty space that is being cleared out*

TGM - Now, if you will indulge me for a minute. Everyone, close your eyes. Up ahead lies what will be the future Queen's Center. Included in this spectacular arrangement will be a brand new arena, gym facilities, food outlets. Granted, you'll never get to enjoy the new facilities as they won't be up and running till 10 years later, but you'll sure be paying an arm and a leg for something you'll never use!

TGM - Now, in a second, the ground will shake violently. Feel free to hold onto your children. But don't worry, I have not shipped you to the Iraq while your eyes were closed. This is simply the dynamite being exploded underground a couple times a day. Don't mind me as a duck and cover.

*ducks and covers*

Borderline-Bored-Boy - Did you just say, "the Iraq"? Aren't you in, like, university or something?

TGM - I guess your bountiful years of education has yet to let you in on topical humor.

Eager Beaver Teenager - Where are we now?

TGM - Metaphysically speaking?

Eager Beaver Teenager - Uhm.

TGM - And now we have arrived at the gift shop! Feel free to buy yourself a "Friends don't let friends go to Western" t-shirt.

Shy Guy - Hey, my sister goes to western.

TGM - And water is wet.

Overly-Inquisitive-Girl's Mother - That's it. We're leaving. I should have never irresponsibly pulled my kid out of school for a day only to be stuck with the worst, most uninformative, disrespectful, yet strangely aawesome, campus tour guide. I'm going to report you to your higher-ups.

TGM - Just make sure you plan your path back carefully! The campus is like a little rat maze with all this construction going on! Have yourself a fantastical day. And thank you for embarking on Buttug McOysty's abbreviated guide to Queen's University.

*End-note* - I have a feeling the making-up-random-words and horrendous tense switches on this blog are affecting my ability to put together a cohesive professional paper for school.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:43 AM .

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

You Could Write Your Own Punchline To This Post, It's That Easy  

Michael Vick took a 'respect for animals' class. It was 8 hours long, and he was inquisitive and attentive. At the conclusion of the course, he passed a "rigorous" written test.

First of all, how does one stay inquisitive and attentive for eight hours? I can barely be that for fifty minutes. No really! You should've seen me today! My forehead almost hit the desk in front of me! Twice! I'm sure it would've been embarrassing.

Secondly, inquisitive?


THAT is a dog. Any questions? Yes, Michael?

He was the only student in the class.

Because, usually, people don't need to take a class for common sense.

I take that back.

It's not a good look when Kevin Freakin' Federline can prove he has his act together better than you.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:24 AM .

Sunday, September 30, 2007

I Considered Eating An Apple Pie For Dinner  

I am a minimalistic eater.

While my house-mates will construct sandwiches with a layer of freshly sliced deli ham, a layer of freshly sliced deli turkey, a layer of freshly sliced deli swiss cheese, a layer of crunchy lettuce, a layer of juicy tomatoes, with a layer of mayonnaise smeared on for good measure, AND have a side dish of chips like fancy restaurants do, I eat a bowl of slightly microwaved peanut butter & rice.

Don't hate...




posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:02 AM .

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Why Do Proteins Fold?  

This morning in lecture, we were asked to conduct a thought experiment, where we closed our eyes, pretended to be a protein, and asked ourselves what would cause us to fold.

*Sidenote* - Telling me to close my eyes before noon is just begging me to fall asleep. Don't tempt me like that. *End Sidenote*

If I were a protein, and somebody pushed me all in while I was holding an eight-two off-suit, I would fold faster than an origami champion.

I think I deserve a Nobel Prize.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 10:53 AM .

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

University Values  

First they discontinue the ...

... oh wait ...

First, the Fat Boys breakup...

And then, some higher ups thought it would be best to discontinue the affiliation between the Toronto Star and Queen's University. Translation? Us Queen's students no longer have access to free, daily, Toronto Star newspapers. You know, because here at University, an institution of higher learning, there's one thing we don't want to promote ...

... literacy.

It's just not important.

But you know what is:

You have got to be kidding me. Maybe Grey's Anatomy will update me on current events.

But probably not.

On a completely unrelated sidenote, House is better back tonight!


posted by Buttug McOysty . 4:24 PM .

Monday, September 24, 2007

It's Hard to be a Muslim at an Airport  

An airport in Indiana wants to install foot-washing sinks, primarily for Muslims to wash their feet before they pray.

Of course, this is causing an uproar.

And it's not what you think (mild-racism/religious persecution).

Some folks are claiming this is in direct violation of "the separation of church and state".

*whacking empty carton of Nestea against forehead*

I don't see the downside of a dedicated foot-wash station, especially in the hygienic department. And, be honest, would you really want to wash your hands in the same sink you just witnessed another person washing their feet in? Methinks not. (METHINKS is a real word. Wow.) Public bathrooms are sketchy enough to begin with. I don't want to have to worry about catching a contagious foot disease. Just put the foot-sinks in. There are much better things to argue about in this world.

Thank you.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 5:29 PM .

Saturday, September 22, 2007

There Needs To Be A Better Way  

It reeks of garbage here in my basement apartment that doesn't allow us to take out the garbage till Tuesday, and it isn't practical to open up the windows because of all the dust the blows being that it is a basement apartment.

I've got two fans set up in my room, both blowing air towards the doorway in hopes that the smell cannot penetrate the powerful wind blasts. I'm not quite sure about the science behind this, but so far it seems to be working.

You know, other than me being helplessly trapped in my room.

Can anybody send a fresh batch of food? And perhaps, an oxygen tank, so I have the option to venture out to the living room?


posted by Buttug McOysty . 5:29 PM .

Friday, September 21, 2007

It's The Post You've All Been Waiting For  

*Preface - On this bright, shining day, some 5 years ago, Buttug McOysty first created the url "" and posted his first post. 5 years later, cha' boy is still going at it harder, better, faster and stronger. And on this fifth anniversary of things being written, people being put in place, and random facts being spewed at speeds greater than that of light,I finally come clean and explain to you...

What In The Blue Cheesed Moon Is A 'Buttug McOysty'

You know you want to know.

In fact, I know you know that you want to know.

This story goes back before the dawn of this blog. Allow me to conveniently break the pseudonym into two parts.

Buttug - Short hand for "butt-ugly".

Think Biggie Smalls. A 6'3'', weighing over 300 pounds, rapper, being associated with the word small. The contradictory naming principle applies in my case.

The story goes, someone once was so insecure about their looks relative to mine that they had to put me down. But you know, they could never bring me down. Did you realize, that I'm a champion?

I eat Frosted Flakes for breakfast.

McOysty - An Oyster, but delicious, like the food from McDonalds.

Because a contradictory name wouldn't be complete without the contradiction itself in the name. Again, please refer to Biggie Smalls. It makes you stop and think to yourself, "Self, that is one heckuva confusing name. I better go talk to this guy to see what he's all about".

Also, for the record, I had the 'Mc' thing way before Grey's Anatomy swooped in and made it popular. Although, to be fair, we ripped it off McDonalds, or McMaster University. I'm not entirely sure.

The choice of depicting me as an oyster was not one that I had control of. But check the oyster up top in my fancy blog header. Isn't it vomit-inducing adorable?

Buttug McOysty.



That was a lot shorter than I envisioned it to be.

But that's okay. I've been here for five years, and I'll be here for at least another few. Plenty of time to fit in a few more words here and there.

Minor template tweaks to come. Sidebar links ARE SET IN STONE. STOP COMPLAINING. YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE.

I've done a lot of things in collaboration with this blog. I kept track of first year fire alarms. I told countless jokes. I've made Internet friends, that I then converted to real friends. I famously stormed out. I gloriously returned. I had the smallest of hands in getting an independent t-shirt business off the ground. I have written up countless lists. I've also gone back and re-read a lot of my work and realized how full of crap I was at any given time.

But that's me. McOysty.

Sharing is caring.

Snakes on a Plane!

Crank that Soulja Boy (youtube it yourself).

Good night. And good luck.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:43 PM .

Welcome To A Whole New World  

I almost forgot about this. Seriously (stupefying stupidity).

You try reading philosophy books for the very first time and remain sane.

I'll throw up a more adequate introductory post explaining the new (or old, depending on your perspective) blog template sometime later.

For now, just don't hurt yourselves. Nobody is made out of cheese. Nobody is dying. No big music albums came out today.

Settle down.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:00 AM .

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Apparently, Something Is Happening in 46 Minutes  

Is it September 21st already?

Philosophy is hurting my head.

Can anyone define "zeitgeist" and use it in a sentence I can understand?

Google isn't helping.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:17 PM .

THIS, is hip-hop  


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:11 AM .


I haven't touched the sidebar links.

I haven't bumped people up, nor knocked them down.

September 21st. You'll see.

Who even uses my sidebar links?

I should just link everyone's links right back to here.

I'm scared of the riots that would ensue though.

By the way, I've got feelings.

Good griefs.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:48 AM .

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

September 21st  

Be ready.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:26 PM .

Monday, September 17, 2007

Dear The Females Of This World,  

I'm a guy. A guy that sometimes like to state the obvious. Previous statement notwithstanding.

Do you ever wonder why guys become so incredibly hooked onto the dumbest or simplest of video games?

It's because a guy, much like myself, feels like a failure, or completely unfulfilled, until the completion of said dumb/simple game.

So don't hassle me about a potential addiction. Don't try to distract me by walking back and forth in front of the television screen. Don't tell me I need to do my internship report that is rapidly approaching its due date. Don't explain to me the loneris tendencies being put on display. You can't tell me nothing.

*Sidenote*Kanye West - Graduation! In stores now! *End Sidenote*

You're probably better off making me dinner so I don't die of starvation whilst struggling through a dumb/simple game and forgetting to eat. I'll tell you. My memory these days. It's as scattered as the US troops in Iraq!

Thanks a bundle,



posted by Buttug McOysty . 5:29 PM .

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

America Needs More Maps Education  



posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:39 PM .

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Seriously, This is S.S. (foreshadowing?)  

"A homeless woman in her early 40s is in hospital with second-degree burns after being lit on fire by two people in the city's downtown last night."

Read the full story.

"It's part of the transient lifestyle. Unfortunately that's the city we live in." - Police Office Dan Nealon.

This is highly disturbing. To think that some middle-aged folks thought to themselves, "Selves, we should fit in burning a random homeless person between our dinner time and WWE's Monday Night Raw. After-all, it is a part of my lifestyle."


New working hypothesis, people, or more specifically, the things people do, suck 95% of the time.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:13 PM .

Friday, September 07, 2007

Eight More Months of Complete & Utter Tomfoolery  

The afternoon's events culminated with a visit to Chuck E. Cheese.

Four of us, all over the age of twenty, convinced the door-person to let us in and terrorize the children by taking over their gaming machines. One of us immediately found a racing game that required no tokens because there was a flaw in the system. Two of us unsuccessfully tried to work the token machine. It wouldn't take our bent-out-of-shape five dollar bill.

The other one of us ran to corner, cowering in fear of the Chuck E. Cheese mascot attempting to give her a high-five.

Seriously. I have cell phone pictures. I just can't transfer them to the computer because my phone is stupid.

Between us, we won 16 tickets. Good enough for:


Disjointed thought time. I haven't used the dotted lines in a while. But you get a hint of that today. A sign of things of old being utilized again!? Maybe.


You can't show up to work dressed unprofessionally. But you can show up to lecture late attired in:

Notorious P.I.G. Get it?

And, yes, that most definitely is the Chinese Zodiac animal wheel on one of the sleeves.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 9:35 PM .

Our Shower Knob Needs To Go Back To School  

It doesn't know which way is left or right!

When you turn it left, the water gets colder!

Turn it the other way, and you get burned! Literally!

I should probably label it.

Because the existing hot/cold labels are misleading.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:52 AM .

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Things You Should For Really Know, Like, Cmon Now  

Browsing the snack section of the downtown Food Basics located slightly out of comfortable walking range (but only because the return is uphill, and you try going uphill in the winter time, it's like one step up, slip and slide back down to the bottom, try again), my shopping partner in crime exclaims, "Teddy Grahams! For a dollar!" I quickly snatched up a box and proceeded to the checkout counter.

It turns out that a dollar doesn't buy you Teddy Grahams, but something really close:

Huggy Bears!

The economical answer to overpriced, but so worth it, Teddy Grahams.

Only after I arrive back home do I get the urge to go buy actual Teddy Grahams for comparison sakes, and because you know, I just saved a ton of money by switching to Geico buying one dollar rip-off Teddy Grahams, so what better way to celebrate money saved than buying a redundant snack! So I walk over to the other grocery store, A&P, located much closer to home, and here is the photo comparison:

I didn't end up buying the same variety (chocolate chip vs oatmeal) so I can't conduct an accurate taste comparison.

How did I end up at Food Basics in the first place? After having an apartment upstairs cook for me last night, I figured there was no possible way I could convince a different group of people to cook meals for me for the next 8 months without ending up with zero friends and a few swift and accurate kicks to my shins, so I had to rectify my empty fridge/freezer situation just in case I didn't feel like prodding friends to provide food.

Talk is cheap. But I'm not. Really!

And the first official meal I decide to cook, after 16 months of sitting back and having food already prepared when I reached home from a rough day (ha) at work, I neglect the creamy soup sauce until it had boiled over and my friend across the hall had frantically walked over to check if everything was alright (he smelled burning).

I cooked for two straight years prior to my 16 month leave of absence.

And people didn't believe me when I said I forgot how to be a student.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 12:25 AM .

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Things You Thought You Knew  

*Preface - I'm totally piggybacking off of someone's unsecured wireless network, and I figured what better usage would I have of "borrowed" Internet than posting! For a computer dependent nerd like me, finding an unsecured wireless network when one doesn't currently doesn't have Internet (missed modem delivery), is the equivalent of finding out the blind date your mother set you up with is actually Jenna Fischer (the friendly, girl-next-door-ish, secretary in NBC's The Office). It's fantastic.

If your mother really were to set you up on a date with Jenna Fischer (ladies, you can substitute your own male crush in the underlined space above), you may have wanted to have combed your hair that day, or have brushed your teeth, or have prepared some interesting conversation topics excluding all things related to her semi-fame.

*Sidenote* - This post is sponsored by Jim & Pam - Karen Was Cooler, But Fate Had To Rear Its Head. *End Sidenote*

The same kind of thinking goes into university exam preparations (at least it should), job interviews and competitive anything.

What line of thinking is this?

If you know in advance you are going to do something, be prepared.

Just think, if you were to take a knife into a gun fight ...

... never. mind.

This all sounding like common sense to you? Of course, I, the self-proclaimed king of common sense could've told you it was so just a couple hours ago, when I decided to give my shower tub a good old-fashioned scrub-down.

My mother had earlier instructed me to use yellow dish-washing gloves, and we even went out and bought an 8-pack of beer scrubbing sponges. I had the necessary chemicals (the tub was nasty, water would not do), and apparently, right after the tub, I was just to let the water run and take a shower, as I'd come out sweaty and smelling like cleaning chemicals.

So, totally ready to rock-and-roll right?

I slapped on the pair of a-little-too-tight yellow rubber gloves, and after about (what seemed like) an hour of back-breaking labor, the tub was as white as Michael Jackson. I stood there in the tub, pretty ready to take the well-earned shower, with the inviting warm water running between my toes.

Missing in action? The absolutely vital combination of soap/shampoo.

Everybody together now...


I had to fish my clothes out of the laundry hamper, and walk briskly to the Shoppers Drug Mart located close (but oh-so-far in this case) by, smelling like a million bucks worth of tuna fish and sweating like an easily flustered guy on a blind date with Jenna Fischer (please be me).

I love her.

But Karen was still better.

I got my soap and shampoo, got my shower, and got a life lesson I am now in turn teaching you.

Learn Things.

Goodnight. And good luck.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 11:40 PM .

Monday, September 03, 2007

This Time, It's Serious  

[***Disclaimer: This. Is. Going. To. Be. Too. Long. If you don't feel up to it, go here and watch this instead. You're welcome.***]

I apologize for not being particularly funny here lately. It's not that times haven't been fun, on the contrary, the past week has contained its very fair share of fun times, so much so that I didn't even have time to troll the Internet like I usually would.

And this post will be no different. If you laugh at any point during the reading of this post, or after, during your reflecting on this post, because that's what my dedicated readership does after each and every one of my posts, you're an ogre. And not in the fairy-tale ooh-I'm-Shrek way, or a literal ogre, but ogre in the sense of the adjective.

Don't you dare laugh at my whimsical attempt to explain myself.

Whimsical. Try saying that word. It's fun.

What I'm about to do goes against two of the cardinal rules long held (one year and running) by Stupefying Stupi...err, Tell Somebody.

Kids, can you say, foreshadowing?


I'm not only about to name-drop a bunch of people/groups, I'm about to recount semi-specific events that have occurred over the last 16 months in my life.

... (apparently "-_____-" conveys the same sentiment as dot dot dot, I may switch over, not only because I think the ASCII representation of pursed lips is kinda cool, but also, somehow, I save money on my car insurance too)

[***Disclaimer 2: If you did not play a part in my last 16 months, but have previously starred in the movie that is McOysty's life story, or will feel offended if I don't mention you at all in this post possibly because I'll try to orient it more to the people that I know for a fact read this blog, or if you never intended to read about my life and would prefer me to go back to delivering topical posts, here's some quality reading material for you to jump to instead of getting all steamed up about piddly blog-shout-outs. No seriously, how many 2008 Republican candidates besides Giulani can you name? Maybe you should read both.***]

Before I get going, I would just like to take this time to acknowledge the fact that I just ate a whole Delissio pizza by myself. Delissio. It's not delivery. It's Delissio.

That message was brought to you by the people at 'The More You Know', in association with 'Sharing is Caring'.

16 months ago, I entered the workforce, in a move that would have resonating implications on my friends, my family, and my non-existent future plans. 16 months ago, I slapped on a white collar, and started paying extravagant amounts of taxes to the man. 16 months ago, I said goodbye to all my same-aged friends who would eventually graduate without me, and forged ahead seemingly by myself. And, 16 months ago, I started developing the most unhealthy of a Tim Hortons habit.

Sprinkle donuts float my boat.

Truthfully I don't even know how to write this. 16 months has been the longest set amount of time I've ever committed to anything contractually in my life thus far. But looking back, I didn't even realize 16 months had passed until it was over. And now it's over. The aforementioned graduated friends are all making a life for themselves after university (or some are going for further education) and I am going back to school. How the tables have turned.

But despite all the talks about same-aged friends, it was people younger and older that showed me a lot this year. A lot about work. A lot about my church. A lot about God. A lot about love. And a lot about myself.

To my friends that held down worship with Jeff and myself this summer (Dereklai and co.), and actually all the folks that helped out on Sundays in general the past 16 months (Fafaa, that's you!), it was truly a blessing to be able to serve in a way that utilizes something I love so dearly (and critique so fiercely), music. At the same time, realizing our rocking abilities are not for us to hoard, but to be used to give glory to a God so much bigger and glorious than we could ever do justice. I know a lot of us will have departed from Toronto as you read this, but know that we were taking part in something so beautiful and it was really a privilege to partner in this with every one of you. Run with the torch that we tried to pass on to you. And remember, it's not about you.

Cry break. Be back in five.


To my boys who held me down every time I wanted to visit Queens. I'll most certainly repay the favor anytime you want to re-live University craziness.

To my friends who emailed me, and the friends who are still emailing me, thank you. It's not easy to read my grammatically incorrect essay-lengthed type emails. Email is still the way to go. Facebook and it's not-letting-me-abbreviate-my-real-name-whilst-signing-up-policies can go run into oncoming traffic.

To the friends who got together on a whim to play board games, to eat dinner, to watch movies, to catch a Blue Jays game, or to go take pictures of the night-lights offered by downtown Toronto, thanks for keeping it light and just kickin' it.

Shout-out to my Internet friend. We're a few days away from potentially becoming real friends. Who knows. And to my other former-Internet friend, the brilliant creator of rectangle comics, thanks for covering for me when I stormed out on this blog (only to later return with the worst possible template). And for being the best. Seriously. Western doesn't deserve you. Ketchup... Chips!

Of course, as a Chinese Christian, I have an obligation to mention softball. In 16 months, I had the opportunity to be a part of two entirely different teams. The first team, the Harbs, took home the Most Appreciated Team trophy. My second team, the Seraphs, took home second place in a very evened out Junior circuit. But if ever I had to debate myself, I would argue the Seraphs should've served as the most appreciated team, but this could very well be because I had a much bigger stake in that team than the other.

The results are not what mattered to me though. The friendships formed, the friendships rekindled, and the friendships deepened through the seasons trump the trophies sitting in the locked display case at church. Thank you to everyone who put in hard work in practices, at games, and even at socials (the risk involved in reaching out to people is exponentially more than getting in front of a batted softball). And thank your parents for me too, for the random food they'd bring to the games (grilling fresh hot dogs at the park for us...that was ridiculous).

I was proud to walk into work most Mondays with the hoarsest voice (not in the sexy raspy kinda way as portrayed by my semi-emo governor I was the assistant to (not assistant governor, assistant TO the governor, get it right, and yes I'm totally watching episodes of the Office while I write this bracket within a bracket) on the Seraphs).

And I'm officially old. In sixteen months, I blew out two knees (minor...but worse than anything I've previously done to myself, as I'm normally physically inactivity), found out my feet get terribly uncomfortable after short walks (on the beach...joking). But the spurts of physical activity I partook in allowed me to discover parts of downtown Toronto, places I hope to revisit regularly in the future.

There also was a time within the past 16 months when I went to the gym 3 times a work-week, which was infinitely more than I had been to a gym before, period. Then I discovered that lifting weights didn't agree with my achy-breaky joints, caused most probably by my lack of calcium intake.

I saved a little room in this post for my parents, who patiently put up with my new-found independent attitude and uncleanliness. I haven't had to cook, do laundry (save for one fine shirt that is only to be hand-washed, sogh, you're still the best), nor clear the washroom for 16 months. Incredible.

I don't know what the next 8 months hold in store for me. I don't even know what it means to be a student anymore, it's been that long. And somehow, I have two calculators. Completely unnecessary.

But life moves on, whether you want it to or not. Things & people change, whether you want them to or not.

You've all been great.

I've been aawesome.

This blog lives on. Stay tuned for bigger and better things. September 21st! If all goes according to plan (it never does). If all else fails, you can now find me on Facebook. I didn't say it was going to be easy, but it is possible. Dreams can come true.


posted by Buttug McOysty . 1:07 PM .